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Avery's POV

Lando ended up on the podium today. I was happy for him, he looked so cute but unfortunately it wasn't me who he was looking at when he was standing on the podium, he was looking at his new girl.

He told me they weren't dating yet, but they definitely were now. Scott said they walked in the paddock together and that they were holding hands. Fortunately I didn't have to see that.
My crew nudged me a little and gestured me to follow them to the media pen. They were gonna film some interviews and I decided to join them there because I didn't have anything else to do.

Lando smiled as soon as he saw me. He was already done with his interviews so he gestured me to come to him.
I walked to him and hugged him. He didn't smell like he usually did, his usual smell was covered by champagne and sweat. "Congratulations, I'm so proud" I said. He was so happy, I could feel that he was proud of himself.
"Are you okay? I haven't seen you around today" he asked. He looked genuinely concerned. It was cute. "Yeah I'm totally fine, I just overslept" It was honestly the truth. I overslept, he knew I wasn't a morning person at all so every morning was a nightmare.
I really should try to fix that, maybe I should go to sleep earlier but that wasn't really possible last night.
"I missed you during the interviews but Scott seems like a nice guy. Are you guys good friends?" Right, Scott did my interviews. I should remember to thank him, he's saving my ass a lot lately. "Yeah he is a nice guy. He's actually my best friend" I said with a smile on my face. "I thought I was your best friend?" Lando tried to act offended but I knew he was kidding. Even before I could answer, his PR manager nudged him a little, gesturing him to end the conversation with me.
"Sorry, I should go. Text or call me okay?" I nodded as he walked away.

He wasn't my best friend just yet, but I was definitely starting to get attached to him. I don't know if that was actually a good thing.


I closed my laptop with a sigh which caused Scott to look up. "Are you done for today?" He asked and I nodded.
We both had a couple of days off, we didn't need to follow anyone so I already decided to go back home.
"Are you going to England?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah for a couple of days. You too?" I nodded as well.
I just really needed to see my friends again and to sleep in my own bed. I was so tired from traveling.
"You gonna meet up with the girls?" He said with a smile. Over the years, we got to know each others friends too. "I hope so. That's the plan atleast" I put my laptop away and grabbed the rest of my stuff.
"I will see you in Miami or on the flight to Miami" I corrected myself. I was actually pretty excited to go to Miami. I've never been there but I knew it would be absolutely crazy there.

As soon as I walked out of the media center someone's voice stopped me.
"Hey Avery, you forgot this in my room" someone put his hand on my back. I flinched a little and quickly turned around. "Fuck you scared me" I said and he just chuckled. I grabbed my necklace out of his hand and put it in my pocket. "Thanks Charles" I still can't believe I ended up in Charles' bed. I guess we both experienced a heart break so maybe it wasn't that weird after all.
"I will see you in Miami? Text me whenever you want" he said as he walked away.

It probably wasn't gonna happen again, I didn't want to be the Netflix girl who sleeps with every driver on the grid even though it wouldn't be that bad of a thing.

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