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I knew it would be important to interview Charles. He won the race so we could definitely use his interviews.
It was time to go back to Europe and we actually had a little bit of time between now and the next race.
I thought we would have some time for ourselves but my boss had other ideas.
I had to follow Charles around in Monaco. It wasn't the worst thing to do, a lot of people would kill for it, but I also needed some time for myself.
I closed my laptop in frustration just as Scott walked in. "Who do you have to follow?" He chuckled, he probably got the call before me. "Charles, in Monaco. You?" I probably sounded like a spoiled brat but it was hard being from home so long.
"Guenther. I don't know exactly where" he laughed. I guess we both shouldn't complain too much after all.


I looked around as I was walking through the streets of Monaco. It was absolutely beautiful here.
I definitely shouldn't complain.
We would meet up with Charles tomorrow, he would show us around Monaco.
I didn't mind having a evening to myself but I haven't heard from Lando for a couple of days now.
I knew he had a place in Monaco so maybe he was here too.

Lando 🔥 :

Hi friend
Are you in Monaco?

I actually am

Me too!
Are u free tonight?

I guess
U wanna meet up?

If you want
U don't have to

Yeah I want
I will text u my address

He didn't seem too excited. Not as excited as he used to be. I wondered why?
I quickly took a couple of pictures and put Lando's address in my phone. I didn't knew my way around here so I had to google how to get there.
I walked in his building and rang his doorbell. He opened the door with his usual smile on his face.
"I've missed you" he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him. I missed his smell and his hugs. "I've missed you too" I mumbled.
He closed the door behind me and showed me around. He had a beautiful apartment, with an even nicer view.

We were both standing in the kitchen. He was looking so handsome right now.
He was texting someone but quickly put his phone away and smiled at me.
"You wanna watch a movie and maybe do so other stuff?" I smirked at him.
He didn't respond right away, I thought he was still a little mad about last time so I walked to him and brushed my hand over his arm.
"I am sorry for rejecting you last time but I really am in the mood right now" also because he looked so handsome right now. I pressed my body against his. I put my hands under his shirt and let them travel over his chest.
I looked at his lips, I actually wanted to kiss him so badly right now. I never did that with people I just messed around with but I felt different with him.
Maybe I wanted more with him, maybe I wanted him to take me on dates and stuff.

"I don't think we can do that anymore" he grabbed my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. "What? Why not?" I took my hands back.
"I kinda met someone and it wouldn't be fair for her" I actually felt my heart break a little. It was stupid because we were just friends, who occasionally fucked around but I guess we couldn't do that anymore.
I had a weird feeling in my stomach, it felt like a heartbreak. "Yeah sure, I understand. I am happy for you" I looked down. I meant that, he was amazing and deserved everything but I wished it was me. I just realized too late. "We can still try to complete our list though" he put his hand under my chin and made me look at him.
I nodded with a fake smile on my face. "I would really like that" I quickly said. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him.

I just wish I let him fuck my brains out last time, let him kiss me and tell him how I actually felt.
Maybe he was feeling the same thing or maybe not, but I will never know that now.

@AveryReese: i can get used to this

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@AveryReese: i can get used to this

Liked by @ScottyD, @LandoNorris and 4.749 others.

@ScottyD: Have fun! See you soon.
@user1: she's at monaco
    > @user2: and so is Lando omg
    > @user3: maybe she just lives there calm down
@user4: have fun!!
@user5: are u with Lando??

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