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Lando's POV

I jumped out of my car after quali. It was a decent one for us, especially after struggling a lot during previous races.

I took my helmet off and quickly fixed my hair.
I walked to my engineers, I quickly wanted to go over the data for tomorrow. I don't know why but I had a feeling I could do a good race tomorrow.
I wanted to have a good race, we needed that but I needed that as well. My best friend flew over this weekend and the girl I liked was here too.
I wanted to impress her.
We weren't really dating yet, but I had the feeling she really liked me too.

@LandoNorris: Full push for tomorrow

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@LandoNorris: Full push for tomorrow.

Liked by @AveryReese, @Mclaren, @SofiaGarcia and 639.749 others.

@Mclaren: Let's go for it!
@SofiaGarcia: 🧡
@user1: are u dating someone?
@user2: Good luck tomorrow


After all the media duties and stuff I returned back to my hospitality.
"Hi mate, great job" Max, my best friend patted my back smiling. "Thanks man. Did you enjoy it too?" I turned my attention to Sofia. She was standing next to Max and nodded with the cutest smile on her face. "I am so proud already" she said. I saw she was hesitating a little but she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck.
I could smell her parfum as I put my arms around her waist.

I didn't see Avery around the paddock today. I saw her crew but she wasn't with them, which was weird because she was always with them.
I had to admit that I had some sort of feelings for her, but she didn't do dates or relationships and I had to respect that.
She only wanted to mess around, but I wanted more.
I was fine with just messing around with her until I met Sofia. She made my heart race, she made me nervous. It wouldn't be fair for her if I still messed around with her.

"Let's get out of here?" I looked at Sofia and she nodded. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the hospitality with Max and Sofia. My hand brushed a couple of times against her but I didn't even dare to hold her hand. Fuck, why was I so shy around her?
I definitely wasn't this shy with Avery, maybe because she saw everything I had to offer even before I got to know her.
Just as we walked passed the media center, Avery walked out.
We quickly looked at each other and I gave her a little smile. She did the same. It felt weird between us. Very weird.


Sofia and I were watching a movie in my room. If I didn't make a move now, I would probably never dare to do it.
She was also probably wondering why I took me so long. "So I think I will go back to my room, it's late already" she said as she got up and looked for her stuff. No no, she can't leave.
I quickly got up too and grabbed her arm gently.
"Sofia wait, I really like you and I would be so dumb if I didn't do this" I put my hand on her cheek. My thumb rubbed her cheek gently.
I gave her the chance to tell me if she didn't want this but she said nothing so I pressed my lips against her. She wrapped her arms around my neck in response and kissed me back.
It was a quick kiss but still amazing. I would definitely not mind if a lot of kisses followed.

She smiled as soon as our kiss ended and put her face in my neck. "Lando, you don't know how much I like you" she mumbled against my neck.
It was honestly such an amazing feeling.
She opened my door, we were both standing in the door opening. "Good night Lando, I'll see you tomorrow" she said and pressed her lips against mine. I really wanted her to stay here, but I guess she didn't really feel comfortable just yet.
Which I obviously totally understood. "Good night Sofia" I mumbled against her lips.

I closed the door after she left and put my back against it. I was so happy I finally dared to kiss her. I was hoping it would be way less awkward between us now.
I was already looking forward to seeing her again, to kiss her again.

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