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I woke up because my phone was going off a couple of times. It wasn't my alarm, someone was calling me. I grumbled as I picked up. "Hello?" my voice cracked. "Where the fuck are you? Everyone is waiting for you" I recognized Scott voice. I quickly looked at the time. Fuck, I totally overslept.
"I overslept, keep them busy. I'm coming" I said and I quickly hung up. I didn't even wait for him to answer. I put my head against the pillow.
I had to do interviews and I was late. Awesome.

I quickly scanned my paddock pass and started walking faster through the paddock.
"Hi, you're late" Lando was walking next to me. I didn't reply. He was right, I had a terrible mood in the morning and especially when I didn't have the time to drink my coffee.
"Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?" He kept following me around. I sighed a little. "No Lando, not everything is about you" I snapped a little. I didn't want to be rude but this had nothing to do with him. I had to do my job and I was late.
"Okay sorry, good luck today" he said. I wanted to wish him good luck for qualifying but he already turned around and walked back to his hospitality.

I didn't have much time to think about it because Scott already walked to me. "Thank God you're finally here" he said as he put a coffee in my hand. He knew me so well. "I am sorry, who do I have to interview today?" I took a sip from my coffee.
"Charles, Max maybe Carlos if we have time" he explained as we walked in the room. Max was already sitting down, he looked a bit annoyed but soften a bit as he saw me walk in.
"Good morning sunshine" he chuckled.
I put my coffee down and stuck my tongue out to him. "Be nice or I'll ask difficult and annoying questions" I laughed and so did he as he put his hands in the air.
Needless to say, I didn't ask him difficult questions. We joked around a little bit. I think he felt comfortable around me and that was exactly what I wanted.

"Do you wanna hang out tonight? I have nothing to do and you seem fun" Max walked to me as soon as the interview was done.
I didn't expect his question but it could be fun to hang out with him. "Yeah why not? I will come to your hospitality after quali?" I already had a little idea what we could do together.
It was something on my list and it would be fun to do with him.
"It's a date" he said laughing and walked out.

We couldn't do the interviews with Charles and Carlos and it was definitely my fault because I woke up way too late.
I felt bad because I knew Charles could be important in this race. I definitely had to interview him tomorrow. I had to fix this.
I had an all access pass so I decided to just walk in the Ferrari hospitality.
I looked around and immediately spotted Charles. It wasn't hard to notice him, he was absolutely gorgeous.
I walked up to him and put my hand on his arm. I don't even know how I got so confident. "Hi Charles, I'm Avery. I work for Netflix and I was wondering if you could do some interviews with us tomorrow" he immediately looked at me. Fuck he was so good looking.
"Weren't they planned for today?" He raised his eyebrow a little. "Yes I know, it's my fault. I woke up too late" I had no reason to lie even though it was a bit embarrassing.
"Okay I like the honesty. Fine we will do them tomorrow. If you wake up on time" he chuckled a little.
Even his laugh was cute but I had to admit that nothing beats Lando's laugh.
"I will be on time, I promise you" I smiled. I was happy he agreed on this. We needed him. I had a feeling he was gonna be important this raceweekend.

I walked out of the Ferrari hospitality and saw Lando walking to his garage. He was probably getting ready for qualifying.
I put my thumbs up to him, wishing him good luck.
He quickly looked around and walked up to me. "Can we please meet up tonight? I need you" he whispered a little. I really wasn't in the mood for it and I already had plans with Max.
"I am sorry but I already have plans" I said. He looked a bit disappointed but still nodded. "Oh okay, I hope you'll have fun" he smiled a little but I knew it was fake.
He just walked away to his garage.

Why did I feel bad? I owed him nothing but I still felt like I disappointed him.

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