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I had the best night ever. We fell asleep in each other arms and I never had such a good night of sleep.
I woke up before Lando and I was in a pretty good mood, which was rare because I wasn't a morning person.
I brushed my fingers over his arm and put my hand in his hand.
He intertwined our fingers and kissed my shoulder. "How did you sleep?" He mumbled against my skin. "Amazing. How did you sleep?" I turned around and looked at him. "Great" he smiled but I could see how tired he was. I put my head against his chest.
It was definitely gonna be hard to pretend we didn't like each other in the paddock but unfortunately we had to.

After Lando got ready he was standing in front of my door. "One more kiss please" he said and pouted his lips. I chuckled as I pressed my lips against his.
He tasted like gum and toothpaste. "Okay I'm ready now" he laughed and opened the door.
Just as I was about to close the door behind him, he put his hand on the door and pressed his lips against mine again.
"Definitely ready now" he mumbled on my lips and walked away.


My boss definitely hated me. Imagine how much he would hate me if he knew I was sleeping next to Lando just a couple of hours ago.
I was sitting next to Scott in the media center, our boss was sitting across from us, probably watching us the entire time.
"You seem happy" Scott nudged me a little. "Shut up" I laughed. "I will explain later" Scott was probably one of the only people I knew I could trust.
I wasn't even sure about Millie these days, I definitely had the feeling she liked Lando.


Okay I definitely need to kiss u again

My boss is here all day
He's following me like a hawk

Oh I like a challenge
Where are you?

Media center

He didn't reply anymore, he probably figured it would be too risky or that's what I thought atleast because not much later he walked in the media center as if he belonged here.
"Didn't we have an interview?" He looked at me. Scott and my boss immediately looked at me. "No you must be wrong" I raised my eyebrow with a smirk on my face.
"Too bad because I actually have some time right now" my boss looked at me and gestured me to go with him. I quickly grabbed my laptop and got up.
It actually worked.

We both walked out together laughing. "You're such an idiot" I nudged him. He shrugged his shoulders. "I got you out of there right?" We both knew that we actually had to do an interview now because otherwise our cover would be blown.
We both walked in the building where we did the interviews. I saw Lando looking around, there was no one here yet.
He quickly grabbed my face and kissed me. It was a long kiss, way too long. "Someone could walk in Lando" I mumbled on his lips but I actually didn't want to stop kissing him. "You're right" his hand brushed over my arm, he intertwined our fingers and pulled me closer again. "One more" he said as he pressed his lips against mine again. I could feel his smile on my lips.

@AveryReese: Little sneak peak for the new season!

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@AveryReese: Little sneak peak for the new season!

Liked by @LandoNorris, @MillieB, @MaxFewtrell and 104.859 others.

@LandoNorris: Why are you exposing my nipple like that 🥺
@MaxFewtrell: did you fix my airtime yet?
> @AveryReese: uhhhh no
> @MaxFewtrell: I don't like you
@MillieB: Work it Lando  😩
@user1: Omg she works for Netflix
@user2: are u dating charles?
@user3: thanks for blessing us with this

Millie and my crew interrupted our kissing session without even knowing.
After the interview I looked at Lando and smiled. "Thanks for making time for us" I said as professionally as I could.
"I will always make time for you" he said with a smile on his face "and your crew" he quickly said.
Millie looked at the both of us, she was definitely suspecting something but I was hoping Lando wouldn't tell her.
He got up and grabbed his stuff. "Good luck out there" I said and he nodded. "Be careful" I mouthed. He nodded again.
Fortunately he wasn't an aggressive driver at all but anything could happen, I guess I will always watch his races with a lot of stress.

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