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Lando's POV

A couple of weeks have passed since Avery and I broke up. I had to admit that I missed her but I had to move on.
She wanted to concentrate on her career and I should respect that even if it was killing me to not kiss her when I saw her in the paddock.
We were in Monza now. The Dutch Grand prix was one to forget pretty quickly.
I was numb all weekend, my friends joined me there, I knew they wanted to cheer me up but it wasn't really working.
Avery and I avoided each other all weekend, I saw her only a couple of times.

"How are you mate?" Max Verstappen was walking next to me as I entered the paddock. I wasn't being myself for the past couple of weeks but I was getting better now. "Good, what are the plans tonight?" I looked at him as a smile appeared on his face. "Don't know, did you bring your gaming stuff?" I nodded. It was a unnecessary question because I always brought my gaming equipment.
"Then we will game a bit yeah?" That's what we did most of our evenings anyways.
"What's wrong with Avery lately?" Max asked, I shrugged my shoulders. We haven't really talked all that much since we broke up.
"Don't know, why? Did she talk to you?" I noticed she looked tired lately but Millie said she was doing fine so I figured it must just be my imagination. "I talked to her in Belgium, something was off. She got a text from someone and her face changed completely" he explained.
Fuck, I should really talk to Scott, he must know more than Millie because Millie never really cared about Avery.

Fortunately it wasn't hard to spot a Netflix crew around here. Scott was following Ferrari today.
I quickly walked to him. "Hi mate, can I talk to you for a quick moment?" He nodded as he took a step away from his crew. "How is Avery?" I went straight to business because I had no time to do small talk.
"She's been off lately, I asked her a couple of times to hang out but she's always out with Millie" I frowned. Millie told me she is fine but Avery doesn't like to go out, especially not every night so I knew she wasn't fine.
"But she didn't tell you why?" He shook his head.
"She's been pretty quiet" There was definitely something wrong, she's never quiet.
I had to talk to her, I had to make sure she was okay.


Unfortunately I had to do media stuff and practices. I saw Avery around a couple of times but we didn't really talk.
I was standing in the media pen with Millie next to me. Avery was there too with her crew.
I looked at her until I got her attention. She smiled a little as she saw me. I put my thumbs up to ask if she was fine. She just nodded.
She wasn't though.

"You told me Avery was fine yeah?" I looked at Millie as we were walking back to the hospitality.
"Yeah why? Do you want her to cry every day because of you?" I rolled my eyes, this girl was unbelievable. "No, but Scott is telling me that you're out with her every night" she shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah so?" Do I really have to explain her best friend to her? "Does that seem like something Avery would do if she was fine?" She looked at me but I could see she was thinking about what I just said.
"No not really" she softly said. In all this time, it was the first time I could sense a little bit of concern in her eyes.
"Just don't go out with her tonight okay? I wanna talk to her" I knew exactly where to find her tonight. I guess my plans with Max had to wait, this was way too important.

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