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I didn't stay with Lando too long last night. I couldn't do that to Charles. I talked to Lando for a little while but as soon as Max joined us, I ditched them both and went to Charles' room.
Needless to say, Charles and I had a great night together.

We both woke up together, he grumbled a little as he put his arm around my body. His hand was resting on one of my boobs.
I didn't really mind that, which was weird because I normally didn't like this kind of intimacy.
"Good morning" he mumbled and kissed my shoulder.
"Good morning" I replied quickly before getting up. "Cuddle with me a little longer?" He opened his arms with a pouty face. "I don't do cuddles" I looked at him as I put my bra back on. "You don't do cuddles, you don't do kisses. What exactly do you do?" He put his arm under his head as he looked at me. "I do sex" I said which made us both laugh.
"I'm happy you do that but I wouldn't mind a little kiss or cuddle after we had sex" he looked genuinely and I had to admit that it would be nice.
I looked at him as I put my pants back on.
"We can discuss the cuddling part after the race" I said as I winked at him.
"Don't worry, I'll convince you to kiss me as well" he said with a smirk on his face.
I doubted that, I only kissed people I really liked and people I was actually dating.


Lando crashed with Pierre. He didn't take his helmet off but I saw how disappointed he was.
I could see that in the way he walked back to the garage.
"I will be right back" I looked at my crew. They nodded before I walked to the hospitalities.
I knew Lando would be in his drivers room, so that's where I was heading too.

I knocked on his door but he didn't answer. I didn't mind though, I just walked in. He probably didn't want to see anyone but he needed someone around.
Sofia wasn't here so I took that on me.
"Are you messing around with someone?" He looked up at me. I was surprised by his question. "Why does it matter?" I quickly closed the door of his drivers room. "Because I don't want that" he softly said. "Why?" I didn't really know what to say, I didn't expect him to say this.
"Because I don't want you to fall for someone else" He sighed and shook his head. He probably couldn't believe he said that himself.
I kneeled in front of him and put my hands on his knees. "You're dating Sofia though" I didn't think I had to remind him of that. "I know, but you didn't want anything serious" he sighed as he grabbed my hands. "I like you, a lot" he said and all I could do is just stare at our hands.
I liked him too, probably even more than he liked me but I didn't want to come between him and Sofia.
I didn't know what to say, all I could say was the truth. "I like you too but I don't wanna come in between Sofia and you. She's a nice girl" he nodded in agreement. I was hoping he would say he liked me more, that he wanted to be with me but he didn't.
It just made things even more clear for me.
"Can I atleast hug you?" He asked. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.
Maybe I had to spend a little time with him next raceweekend but he would probably be busy with Sofia
I was just hoping she wouldn't ask me to hang out with her.


After the race, Scott and I were sitting in the media center together. "So I've heard Millie is coming next race?" I nodded my head. Millie was one of my best friends. I think her and Scott definitely hooked up but they never admitted that.
"I won't see you much then?" He asked. It made me chuckle. "Probably not, but we can do something together too" I knew he would be up for that.
I definitely could do something of my list too.
I was already looking forward to next raceweekend.

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