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We were definitely in deep trouble. I wasn't ready for this at all. I was way too young and we were only dating for a couple of weeks. I kneeled in front of her and softly woke her up.

"Baby?" I said softly. She opened her eyes and smiled.
"I saw the test" I pointed at the table. She quickly sat up and looked at me. "I am sorry, I'll leave" she wanted to get up but I stopped her. I didn't want her to leave at all.
"You're feeling any better?" She shook her head. "Not really but you have to take a test too" she pointed at the table. I frowned a little.
"Why? I can't be pregnant?" She shook her head laughing. I was so confused right now. "I'm not pregnant you idiot, I have covid" I never felt so relieved to hear that someone had covid. "Oh baby fuck" I put my hand on my chest laughing. She rolled her eyes as she laughed a little.
It was a stupid mistake but it made her smile atleast.

Fortunately the test turned out negative. "I'll go to my room for the rest of the weekend" she said as she grabbed her things. It wasn't what I wanted but it was the smartest thing we could do. I grabbed her hand and looked at her. "Text and call me yeah?" she nodded with a smile on her face.
I sighed as she closed the door behind her. I was obviously relieved that I tested negative but it sucked not to have her around me.


I couldn't get out of this event. I really wasn't feeling like it. Daniel was good at these things, he was likeable and everyone felt comfortable around him. That was something he had in common with Avery but unfortunately she wasn't here.
I wish she could be my date for these kind of things but we had to keep things private even though I wasn't sure how long we could keep it a secret.
If I tested positive too, people would start to ask questions.

"So I heard Avery has covid" Millie sat down on the chair next to me.
I didn't respond, I still didn't know if she knew about Avery and I but I had a feeling that she didn't.
"Anyways, are you still single?" Okay that answered my question. She didn't know. I thought they were best friends but Avery definitely didn't trust her enough to tell her. "Why? Are you interested?" I laughed. I obviously meant it as a joke because I knew she liked my best friend. "Maybe" I quickly looked at her. Was she serious right now? "Wait? I thought you liked Max?" she shrugged her shoulders. "He's fun and handsome but you're on top of my list. Avery was stupid to choose Charles instead of you" Was she drunk or something?
She put her hand on my arm and leaned a little closer to me. "I'm single, you are single so we can definitely have some fun if you want." I didn't know what to answer, mainly because I didn't expect this at all. "Besides, Avery told me you could use some practice, so you can do that with me" I raised my eyebrow. I definitely didn't expect this.
"She said that?" I stumbled over my words. She probably noticed it too because she rubbed my  arm a little. "Don't worry about that too much. It's probably hard to compete with Charles" My confidence sunk under my chair. Maybe I wasn't as good as him but I never expected Avery to say that. "I'm sure you're great too" she whispered in my ear.
Once again I didn't answer but I had to get out of here. I got up and started to walk out.

I needed to clear my mind before going back to my room. Was Millie trying to get under my skin or was she trying to cause drama between Avery and I?
I couldn't find a reason why she would do that. She was her best friend and she obviously didn't know that we were dating.
Avery definitely said that and it left me with zero confidence whatsoever.

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