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Avery's POV

The picture kinda ruined our vacation. I don't even know how they got it. I was staring at it for a long time, it was taken from our table, so it was someone who we knew.
But who? It must be one of Lando's friends because I invited no one else except for Millie, but I trusted her.

Lando walked out of the bathroom, I was still laying in bed. "Baby I'm gonna play golf with the boys" he leaned on the bed and pressed his lips against mine. "No don't go" I pulled him on top of me and put my hands under his shirt. "Baby I need to go" he chuckled a little but I could feel his body was telling another story. "A quick one?" I pouted my lips a little.
"Take your panties off" he said as he was already unbuttoning his pants.
I smirked as I took my panties off and wrapped my legs around his body.
He put his hands on my hips and his lips on mine. It was just the way I wanted. His body was pressed against mine.
I couldn't explain how attracted I was to him.


"Have you seen the picture?" Millie asked as we were walking from one shop to another. I nodded. I knew exactly what picture she was talking about.
"Yes and I have to ask you something" I said as I looked at her. Her face changed a little, but I couldn't really tell why. "Will you please fake date my boyfriend?" Wow it sounded really stupid. She frowned, she obviously didn't expect this question.
"Look Millie, I can't lose my job and you're the only one I trust" I looked at her with my best puppy eyes. "And Lando is fine with this?" She asked. I nodded enthusiastically. He wasn't really fine with it, I could definitely see that but he agreed to it for me.
"Damn, I'm dating Lando Norris" she said laughing as we walked in another store.
"Only if the media asks okay?" I obviously hoped no one would pay attention to it but Millie was our back up plan if needed. Hopefully we wouldn't need her.

Lando 🧡 :

How is my princess doing?

I bought a few dresses
So I'm having fun!

Well you should definitely wear that tonight

What are we doing tonight?

Dinner with everyone
But you're sitting next to meeee

What if people see us?
I will sit in opposite of you

Hell no, you're sitting next to me
I don't care

Okay fine but no kisses

Kiss kiss kiss
All over your body yeah

No idiot

Yeah yeah
Your fault
You're too beautiful

I rolled my eyes, I decided not to answer anymore.
I thought we agreed on not being intimate in public. I was definitely not gonna sit next to him, I knew he wouldn't keep his hands to himself.

@AveryReese: It's a GIRLS day! 🛍️

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@AveryReese: It's a GIRLS day! 🛍️

Liked by @MillieB, @Netflix, @LandoNorris and 102.749 others.

@MillieB: I love you!
@user1: are you with Lando?
@user2: was that you in the picture?
> @user3: what picture?
> @user2: I'll send it to you


We all walked in the restaurant, I made sure that Lando was the first one to sit down.
I smirked at him as I walked to the other side of the table.
He rolled his eyes and even more when he saw that Millie was sitting next to him.
If I couldn't tease him above the table then I could definitely tease him under it.
I rubbed my foot against his leg. He quickly looked at me and grabbed my leg under the table.
He brushed his fingers over my leg almost the entire time. I definitely regretted not sitting next to him now.
I couldn't get enough of his touches and I definitely felt a little bit uneasy because he talked to Millie the entire time.

Was I wrong about her? I could definitely see something in her eyes, but she liked Max right?

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