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Lando and I flew back to England after our vacation. I wanted to fix my mom's house and he needed to go to Milton Keynes so we would be apart for a couple of days.
I didn't really mind because I had to meet up with Scott as well. We had to go over our plans for the next couple of races, I was actually already looking forward on seeing him again.

Max, Lando and I were standing in the kitchen together. Or they were standing while I was sitting on the kitchen counter.
I was getting used to having Max around pretty much all of the time. I didn't mind, I actually liked him a lot.
"Did we already figure out who took the picture?" Max asked the thing Lando and I have been avoiding to talk about.
We looked at each other. I knew he suspected Millie but I suspected one of his friends so we never really talked about it.
"Honestly why would one of my friends do that? They're around me all the time" Lando looked at me. I could see how Max realized he just opened a door he should've left closed.
"Millie is around me too all the time? Why would she do that? Because she likes you? C'mon not everyone likes you" I rolled my eyes and so did he. "I know not everyone likes me, but she definitely does and you just won't believe me" I honestly didn't want to believe it.
I never really saw signs that she liked him, he told me she made some comments but she was a sarcastic fuck, he probably understood those comments wrong.

He just sighed when he realized he couldn't convince me. "Anyways I'm going to Milton Keynes, will I see you tonight?" He walked to me and opened my legs to stand in between them.
I shook my head. "I am gonna sleep at mine, I'm going to Scott and my mom's place" he nodded as he kissed my lips quickly.
"Good luck, have fun baby" I said as I smiled at him.
He was probably a bit nervous about it even though he would never admit to it.
As Lando walked out of the door, Max looked at me. He didn't say a word but I knew what he was thinking, he didn't trust Millie either.


"So I saw that Lando and you got caught being all lovey dovey?" Scott laughed as I sat down on his couch.
"Yeah so now everyone thinks he has a girlfriend. We're fucked" I sighed as I grabbed my laptop. "What did you expect when you went on vacation with him honestly?" He was still chuckling a bit, I was getting a little annoyed but he was right.
"What do you think? What would Netflix and our boss do when they find out?" I saw how he was thinking about it.
"Probably put you on another show or something. You literally have tons of information about other teams so it's normal you can't date drivers" he just confirmed what I already suspected.
"Yeah, we agreed on telling people he's dating Millie" I said which caused him to frown. He probably thought it was a stupid idea but I saw no other solution.

After we went over everything and I went to my mom's house I returned back to my apartment.
It felt weird to be back here, I haven't been here in a while.
It also felt different to be alone, I got used to having Lando by my side.
Fortunately I saw a notification that he was live on Twitch. I quickly grabbed my laptop and sat down on the couch. I was so ready to see his pretty face.
As expected his entire chat asked if he was dating someone but he ignored all of them.
I felt a little bad for him because I knew he just wanted to tell them but he couldn't and it would be even worse when we returned back to the paddock.

He was distracting them by doing other things and it actually worked for a while.
I was reading chat when I noticed he wasn't in England. That was his apartment in Monaco. Why was he there? He didn't even tell me.

Lando 🧡 :

Are u in Monaco??

Yes you wanna come too?

Why didn't u tell me?
I thought u had to go to RB?

I did
Then Max flew to Monaco
So i went with him
I can buy you a plane ticket?

No thanks

What am I doing wrong now?

Why didn't u tell me this morning?
My boyfriend is in another country
And I know nothing??

I wanted to text u after the stream
It was a last minute decision
C'mon baby

I will see u in Belgium

Why? Just come?

No, just invite Millie

Fuck me 😂
You're unbelievable

I left him on read. Was I overreacting? I didn't know but I was feeling jealous for no reason.
Maybe a few days apart would do us good.

@LandoNorris: Full time streamer, part time driver

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@LandoNorris: Full time streamer, part time driver.

Liked by @MillieB, @MaxFewtrell, @Maxverstappen1 and 539.849 others.

@MaxFewtrell: are you in Monaco? Can I come?
> @LandoNorris: Yes mate
> @MaxFewtrell: prepare the jetski's!
@Maxverstappen1: party party mate
@user1: you're looking so handsome
@user2: Missed your streams!
@user3: but why did u ignore your comments though
@user4: are you single or not??

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