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Lando's POV

I arrived in Australia way too early, I guess every driver kinda did that to make sure we weren't jetlagged during the race.
Unfortunately it got pretty boring because there was nothing to do.
I trained a lot, so I actually wanted to something else today. I quickly grabbed my phone and searched for the list Avery made.
There were actually a lot of fun things on it, that's why I wanted to do them with her.
Also because she was actually fun to be around. I don't know why but I didn't feel shy around her.
I felt comfortable around her even though I didn't really know her that well.

There was something on the list that we definitely had to do here. I quickly grabbed my laptop and started to google.
Maybe I also had to ask Daniel, he would know places around here.


Are you in Australia already?

Yes I am
Just landed a couple of days ago

You wanna pet a kangaroo?

Uhh YES!
I forgot about that

Get ready and I'll pick you up

You tha best

I chuckled as I put my phone away.
We definitely had some sort of moment in Jeddah but she didn't do dates or boyfriends.
She only wanted sex and not cute sex, no kissing and minimal touching.
I was gonna play by her rules, for now atleast.


After I picked her up and drove half an hour to a kangaroo farm, we both got out of the car.
"Daniel recommended this place, he said they really take care of their animals" honestly I was so thankful for him, I didn't know what to do if he didn't give me some great tips.
"Oh my God, I'm so excited!" She said as she clapped her hands a little.
She was cute, I couldn't deny that.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.

The owners were really nice, probably also because they recognized me. She sat down next to a kangaroo and softly petted her.
I crunched down next to her and smiled. "They seem to like you" she smiled as she nodded.
She grabbed my hand and put it on his head. "Now we can check this off our list too" this definitely was our list now.
I looked forward to check everything off with her.

After our little encounter with the animals we decided to have a little drink together.
We were both enjoying the sun as we both put on our sunglasses.
"How are you feeling for this race?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I was looking forward to racing in Australia again but I definitely wasn't looking forward to Netflix following us the entire time.
They're such a pain in the ass sometimes. "We have to feel confident. I hope the car will be better, especially for Daniel" she nodded her head in agreement.
"Anyways you'll see me a lot this weekend because I actually work.." she couldn't finish her sentence because my phone went off.
I quickly grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at it. It was Zak, why did he need me right now?
"Sorry I have to take this" I said as I quickly got up and picked up the phone.

"What's up Zak?" I answered the phone. It annoyed me sometimes that they didn't give me one day off. They always tried to call me and a lot of times it wasn't urgent at all. Just like right now.
"Just to let you know that we have media day tomorrow and unfortunately that also means Netflix interviews this weekend" it's not like it bothered him, he liked to do them so he was probably looking forward to them.
"I remembered. I will be good, don't worry" I quickly said.
I actually wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible so I could join Avery again.

I looked at her as I heard Zak's voice through the phone. She was enjoying the sun while taking little sips from her drink.
Fuck, no I wasn't falling for her. We were just friends who fucked around a little, that's all.

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