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"So what's going on Cabron? Charles is dating the girl you liked right?" Carlos said as he walked back to me. "Yeah he is, I fucked everything up by dating Sofia" I broke up with her because I liked Avery but also because she was just using me. I guess we were both using each other for different reasons.
"And you just give up like that?" I shrugged my shoulders in response. "I told her many times that I like her for more than just her body and she still picked Charles" I explained. "It's her choice and I'm not gonna keep messing with her head or flirting with her if she's dating Charles" Carlos looked at me and nodded his head.
He was kinda impressed, I could definitely see that.


The next day, I was sitting outside the hospitality. I didn't want to sit inside anymore. It just didn't feel right.

I knew it would be best to talk to other teams, but I didn't know which team. I obviously wanted to be in a top team, but every team was full already.
I actually wanted to know who Mclaren wanted to replace me with and most importantly why they wanted to replace me.
I couldn't ask them because Avery would be in trouble and that was the last thing I wanted.

Millie walked up to me and put an apple in front of me as she sat down with me.
"I brought you a gift, now please cheer up a little" I grabbed the apple and rubbed it against my shirt. "I am very happy though" I said as I faked a smile.
"Well you don't look like it. Are you still sad because of Charles and Avery?" I took a bite out of the apple to buy some time. I didn't want to sound rude. "No, I'm happy for the both of them" I honestly was happy for them even though I would be way happier if I was the one kissing and fucking her.
"You need to get over her and concentrate on driving again" it was literally her first weekend and she was already acting as if she knew everything. I hated that.
Fortunately Daniel's PR manager gestured her to come to her.
She quickly got up and walked away.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling but my mind was going in every place possible.
Should I forget her? I was definitely trying to and I guess it was working. I didn't think about her all the time anymore but maybe it helped that she wasn't actually here this weekend.
"Mate, I talked to Max's trainer" Jon, my trainer walked up to me and sat down next to me.
I literally couldn't get a moment to myself.
"Why?" I asked as I put my phone away. "Christian would definitely be interested in signing you" I rolled my eyes. "I told you not to tell anyone" I obviously didn't want everyone to know. "I didn't. He just started to talk about that out of the blue." Okay so Max probably told him. He was definitely the biggest gossiper in this paddock, I don't know why Avery told him.
Maybe she wanted people to know about this, or maybe she wanted me to know without telling me.
"Good to know. Thanks Jon, I appreciate it" he nodded. I knew he wanted the best for me.
"But you need to start working out again because you keep skipping our sessions" he said laughing.
He was right. I didn't have much motivation after everything that happened with Avery. I needed to get back in shape.

@F1News: Troubles in paradise? Lando sat outside of his hospitality the entire day

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@F1News: Troubles in paradise? Lando sat outside of his hospitality the entire day.

Liked by 40.949 users.

@AveryReese: so what? He was probably enjoying the sun. This 'headline' though. 🫠
> @user1: exactly this!
> @user2: Tell them Avery!!
@user3: it's not like he was sitting in front of another hospitality lol
@user4: Silly season is starting already

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