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A couple of weeks have passed and I was back in England. We had a couple of weeks off before the next race.
We had a decent race in Canada, but it was a pretty boring weekend. I missed hanging out with Avery.

I promised Jon I would work out every day and that's exactly what I did.
It was a pretty busy couple of days. I worked out a lot, visited the MTC a lot and streamed a couple of times.
After the work out, I sat down on the couch. My best friend Max joined me not too long after.
"How are you doing mate?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "Tired" I chuckled.
"Did you talk to Millie yet?" I think he asked me this question a million times already. "No, I saw her in the MTC yesterday though. Why?" I looked at him. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Did she say anything about me?" I rolled my eyes at his question. He definitely liked her, I saw that since that day we made dinner for them.
I could see it in the way he looked at her. They hung out a lot since that day and I always had to be the third wheel because he was too scared to actually ask her out. "Not really but I think she likes your bracelet though. She's always wearing it" he bought us all matching bracelets. Obviously to impress her but I kinda liked it as well.
I was a bracelet kind of guy, so I decided to wear it too.

"Did you hear from Avery?" I shook my head.
I saw a couple of pictures from her and Charles so she was with him, that's why I decided not to call or text her.
"Anyways, we're filming a video with Quadrant later. We are doing a collab with a streamer and you should join" Max explained. I sighed a little. That was the last thing I wanted to do right now but I definitely should join because I ditched them a lot lately.
"What's the plan for the video?" I asked and Max explained it a little. They didn't have too much planned either. Just a fun video playing games.
I could definitely make a bit of time for that.

After I took a shower and fixed my hair a little, I sat down next to Max behind his set up.
They were already streaming so I quickly put my headphones on. I thought they were just gonna film a video but they were streaming on Twitch instead.
"Hi guys, sorry I'm late" I said through the mic.
I recognized the voices of the quadrant members but there was one voice I didn't recognize.
"Hi Lando, I'm Kayla. It's nice to hear you" she chuckled a little. I didn't expect the streamer to be a girl, I don't know why but I just figured it would be a guy. "Hi Kayla, I can see you're beating my team. Are you interested in joining us?" I laughed as I grabbed my phone and typed something quickly.

Max F :

Who is she?

The streamer I talked about

Show her
On the other screen pls

Max rolled his eyes and typed her name into Twitch.
I made sure he showed it on the other screen because otherwise our entire chat would see that. Imagine how awkward that would be.

I looked at her, she was playing Uno, obviously because she was playing that with us. She was laughing, probably with Niran because we weren't saying anything anymore.
She was actually pretty cute. I wish I dressed up a little better now.
"Are you still alive there boys? It's your turn" Niran said, which both made us look back at the other screen. Max quickly put a card down. "Yeah we are still here. We're ready to beat your asses" I quickly fixed my curls.
I could hear Kayla's giggle. It was cute.
Fuck it was the first time in a while since I called another girl's laugh cute. It was also the first time since Avery that I wanted to impress a girl, a girl I didn't even met.
What was wrong with me? I was trying to fill the emptiness that Avery left.

@LandoNorris: Fun little stream

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@LandoNorris: Fun little stream. We beat them all!

Liked by @MaxFewtrell, @Quadrant, @Kaylaaax and 682.749 others.

@MaxFewtrell: We are Uno kings
@Quadrant: Did you even win once?
@Kaylaaax: It was fun to stream with you guys!!
@user1: it was such a fun stream
@user2: best duo! I loved this stream.

- @Kaylaaax started following you

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