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"I told you it would be a good idea to have drinks" Millie nudged me as she finished her third glass of wine.
If I was honest, she was having drinks and I was just accompanying her.
"Honestly it sucks that I don't have to be Lando's fake girlfriend anymore" she chuckled. She was definitely drunk.
Yeah it sucks that I wasn't his real girlfriend anymore too but I had a feeling she liked Lando more that she would like to admit, or wanted to admit.


I avoided the media center as much as possible today. I was just walking back and forth through the paddock.
"What exactly are you looking for?" Max Verstappen walked next to me. He probably noticed I was just walking around. "I am looking for a place to eat, preferably as far away as possible from the media center" and far away from my boss. Max put his hand on my back and guided me to the Red Bull hospitality.
I felt relieved to sit here for a moment. Max put a plate and drink in front of me as he sat down.
"So tell me what's wrong" why was everyone asking me what was wrong, was it that obvious?
"What do you mean?" I tried to shrug it off but who knew that Max was actually pretty good at telling if you're fine or not.
"I can see that there is something wrong and you've been walking the ten miles in the paddock" should I trust him? I don't think I could, I was so embarrassed.
"Lando and I broke up" I told him one of the things that bothered me.
"I am sorry, why did you break up?" He wasn't surprised to hear that so he already knew. Lando probably told him.
"I work for Netflix, it's not allowed to date a driver" but honestly with everything that happened I wasn't sure if I still wanted to work for them.
"But you love each other. I bet you can find a job around here. What do you really love to do?" I sighed, I never really thought about that.
I always thought I would spend the rest of my days with Netflix.
"I really wanna work in movies, that's why I started to work for Netflix" I started explaining. I sighed halfway through my explanation. "I just never thought I had to think about anything else. I really love him but I also wanna have a career and I feel like that's not possible if I wanna date him" Max listened and titled his head a little. "It is possible, just not with Netflix. Have you asked around the media center if there are jobs available?" I shook my head in response but honestly did it really matter?
"And they let you date drivers?" I chuckled. As if that was my only requirement. "They honestly don't care" he said. Probably only Netflix really cared about that.

I nodded when I felt my phone vibrate a couple of times. I took it out of my pocket and sighed as I saw who it was from.
I was hoping it was Lando, I missed seeing his name on my phone. I missed his silly little texts.

Boss ☠️ :

Can you stop by my hotel tonight?
I think I found something you may like

Of course!
See you tonight

I quickly put my phone away. I noticed that Max was looking at me. He looked concerned.
"Everything alright?" He pointed at my phone.
I smiled and nodded. "Yes everything is perfect" I lied, I lied so bad. I wish I could tell him that everything wasn't alright at all.


After Scott and I filmed everything we had to, it was time to go to my boss. I didn't want to, but I had to.
I sighed as I knocked on his door. He opened it with a smile on his face so I returned his smile.
"You can sit down" he said as he pointed at the bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"You'd really like to work in movies right?" I nodded as he handed me a paper. It was a contract for a new movie Netflix would come out with.
I looked at him excited. "Oh my god, really?" He nodded as he put his hand on my thigh. "You deserve it, you have talent" fuck I couldn't believe it, it was my dream.
Something I told my mom I would achieve one day, she always told me I would if I believed and worked hard.

"Now, what do you have to offer me?" I wasn't stupid, I knew what he was hinting at.
"Well uh, Scott and I filmed a lot of exciting stuff today" I said which made him chuckle. "That's great but that's obviously not what I meant" he pointed at my shirt. "Take it off" it wasn't a question, it was a demand. "I would rather not" I said softly which made him rip the contract out of my hands.
"Then this won't happen either. When does your contract end?" He looked at me with a smirk on his face. He knew he had me where he wanted.
I sighed as he put his hand on my thigh.
I clenched my teeth against each other, I was trying to hold back my tears.
"Avery, you seem a little tense. I will give you a bit of time to think about it" he whispered.
I got up quickly. "Thanks" it's all I could say. I walked to the door as quick as I could. " And I would appreciate it if you don't tell anyone what happened" he said as if it was nothing.
I didn't answer, I just wanted to get out of here.

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