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Even I could feel the nerves. I couldn't imagine how Charles must feel. I was walking through the paddock with Millie. "So you picked Charles?" She asked with a smirk on her face. I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't pick anyone yet" but I knew I actually did pick him.
It was useless to wait on Lando, he made his decision and I had to respect that. "So what is your boss gonna say about this?" He obviously couldn't find out about this. "He would fire me, so we are not gonna tell him obviously" I chuckled as we both walked in the media center.
We both sat down together, she was looking at me as if she wanted to tell me something. "What?" I said as I opened my laptop. "How cool would it be if I worked here too?" I could see the excitement in her face. "Very cool. Did you get a job here?" Honestly it would be great to have her around all the time. "Not yet, but I applied for a couple of jobs with different teams. So let's hope so" I knew she hated her current job, so I would be so happy for her.

"Avery look at this" Scott pushed my laptop away and put his laptop in front of me. I put his headphones on and looked at the screen. It was something his crew filmed.
Something I wish I didn't see. "Delete it" I said as I took the headphones off and put it in his hands again. "Are you sure? You know our boss will love this" I couldn't believe he would actually send this to our boss. I know he would definitely put it in the show. "We're not here for this kind of drama" I said, Scott and Millie looked at each other. "What?" I was getting annoyed. "Would you also say that if you didn't actually like the driver?" Scott said as he took his laptop back.
I chuckled a little. "Yes Scott" I snapped. I grabbed my laptop and got up.
I just needed to get some air. I sometimes hated this job.

"Where are you cameras?" Lando started to walk next to me. "Somewhere" I said. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him or anyone else for that matter. "Anyways, do you wanna hang out tonight?" I sighed at his question.
How was I ever gonna get over this guy if I was still hanging out with him every weekend. "Not really" I shrugged my shoulders. He looked pretty disappointed. "C'mon please Avery, I miss you. Max is here too, so maybe you can ask Millie too?" He almost begged. "Fine but can we just chill at your place or something? I don't wanna go out" I was honestly feeling tired. He nodded enthusiastically. "Sure we will cook for the both of you" he winked, which kinda made me chuckle. I bet they never really cooked before so I wasn't expecting much.

I met up with my crew to film the qualifying. I looked at the screen who was broadcasting the quali. I was nervous, I couldn't have any favorites but I obviously did.
Charles got pole position and I couldn't be happier for him. He deserved this, I just hoped he would win tomorrow.
I couldn't wait to cuddle him tonight. Times really changed, I used to hate cuddles but he actually changed my mind on that.


"So we are gonna hang out with Lando and Max tonight. You have no choice" I said as Millie and I were sitting together. "Max?" She frowned. "His best friend, not Verstappen" I explained. She nodded. "I see, is he hot?" She laughed. Lando definitely was very hot but she wasn't talking about him. "Yes he actually is" I chuckled. "Then I will be the best wingwoman ever" I rolled my eyes. There was no need to be my wingwoman. Lando was dating someone else and I had a good time with Charles for the moment.
Lando and I were just friends who were hanging out together, that's all.

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