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I pressed my lips against his. He didn't expect it, I could feel that but he didn't hesitate to kiss me back.
His hand brushed over my cheek and I could feel his tongue against mine.
It was the first time in a while that I kissed someone. I never expected it to be Charles, I actually thought it would be Lando but here I was, kissing Charles.

He smiled as soon as we broke our kiss. "That was amazing" he smiled as he looked in my eyes. He was right, it was amazing. I just hoped he would realize I was with him because I wanted to, not because I had to because of my job.

We both fell asleep in each other arms but I couldn't stop thinking about what Lando said.
Why did he want me to open up to Charles? Why did he stop fighting for me?
I realized I quite liked him chasing and flirting with me.


Baku was another street race, another challenge. It would be my last race before I had a little break.
I wouldn't go to Canada, we figured one crew would be enough and since we went to the MTC, Scott's crew would do the Canadian Grand Prix.
I was definitely happy about that, I needed a little break. I needed to sleep in my own bed and I needed to be by myself for a while.

@LandoNorris: Dear diary

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@LandoNorris: Dear diary....

Liked by @MillieB, @Quadrant, @AveryReese and 629.749 others.

@MaxFewtrell: I counted 16 hairs on my chin today.
      > @LandoNorris: 18 to be exact
@Quadrant: I've talked to a girl today
@user1: these comments 😂
@user2: Lando looking fine lately!

I looked at Lando's new picture, everyone was definitely trolling him. I zoomed in on his arm. He was wearing the bracelet. The same bracelet as Millie owned.
Why was I so bothered by this?

"What are we looking at?" Someone looked over my shoulder. Unfortunately the picture zoomed out so he could see it was Lando's picture.
"Oh you're stalking my teammate" Daniel laughed as I put my phone away.
"I was just looking at his bracelet" it was actually the truth. It wasn't as if I was zooming in on his lips or whatever.
"Sure sure" he laughed. I was honestly happy that it was Daniel. He wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
"I wanted to ask if we could postpone the interviews. I'm not really feeling it today" I had to admit that he looked tired. "Yes sure, we will do it when you feel like it" I said, he honestly had bigger things to worry about I guess.
"Thanks Avery. He likes you too by the way" he pointed at my phone, referring to Lando. I just smiled. He definitely liked me in the past, but I don't know if he still liked me though.

I got up and walked through the paddock. The interview was canceled so I was gonna search my crew and be with them for a while.
I grabbed my phone and looked at it. Millie texted me a few times. She wasn't here this raceweekend.

Millie ❤️ :

Guess who got a job!!

I am so happy!!
Where? Which team?

Our papaya boys! 🧡
I am so excited

It will be fun
Can't wait to have you around

Did Lando do that for her? Did he fix a job for her?
I was happy for her, it was gonna be fun to have her around but why did I feel so weird?

"So there is this aquarium around here and we have to go" Lando walked next to me. I quickly put my phone away. "I kissed Charles" I just blurted it out without thinking.
"Okay, so you are officially dating now?" He obviously didn't expect me to say this.
I nodded and so did he. "Can we still hang out or is this your way of saying that you don't want that anymore?" He chuckled a little. "No no, I still wanna hang out with you. You're my second best friend remember" I said laughing.
He nodded. "I will pick you up" he said quickly because his phone was going off. He took it out of his pocket and turned it around, pointing at it.

He probably didn't want me to see who it was because he picked up as he walked away to his hospitality but I saw the name on his phone.
It was Millie's name. Why were they so close?
I shouldn't be so bothered by it but she was my best friend, it wouldn't be right if she was actually messing with him.

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