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Lando's POV

I literally didn't hear from Avery since our last conversation. I didn't know why she got that mad. Maybe I had to tell her that I was in Monaco but it was a last minute decision and I wanted to buy a plane ticket for her.
It was gonna be awkward to see her in the paddock again.

We were back in Belgium for the next Grand Prix. My family will be here too and I actually wanted to introduce Avery to them.
I walked through the paddock, I was hoping people would forget about that picture so Avery and I could just be go back to the way we were.
It was weird between us now, also because I didn't want to act if I was dating Millie.

"Hi Lando, are you ready for our act?" I quickly looked next to me, of course it was Millie.
I rolled my eyes. "No, only when the media asks and honestly I would rather have you not say anything" she frowned and shook her head. "That's not what Avery said" what did she honestly expect? That I would be holding her hand and kiss her? No way.
"Look, I'll talk my way out of it, they will probably not mention the picture anyways" she didn't look very happy with that but I was hoping she would just keep her mouth shut.
Avery and her crew walked passed us, she smiled and waved at Millie, but she just ignored me.
I just didn't understand what I did wrong?

It was media day, so not much later I was standing in the media pen, unfortunately with Millie next to me. I just didn't like to have her next to me at all.
"Hi Lando, how was your vacation?" The first reporter asked. "Good, had a good time with some friends" I decided to keep it short and sweet but I knew there would be a follow up question.
"And with a special someone?" There it was, as expected. I licked the corners of my lips quickly, I had to think what would be the best answer.
"Yes with me" Millie interrupted our interview.
I think the reporter and I had the same reaction. We just both looked at each other and at Millie.
She put her hand on my back and smiled at me. "We are dating" was she serious right now?
I asked her to keep her mouth shut and she literally exposed me in front of the camera.
"Congratulations" he said as he smiled at the both of us.
I didn't know what to say or do. I was probably just standing there. Fortunately, the reporter continued with the questions about the car and the race.

As soon as we walked out of the media pen I looked Millie straight in the eyes. "What is your problem? I told you not to say anything" she just shrugged her shoulders. "And Avery told me to be your fake girlfriend so that's what I'm doing" I sighed.
It wasn't worth it. I really liked Avery, I could even say I love her but was it worth all this?
I had to pretend to date someone else, someone who clearly wanted way more than just pretend.
If she wanted to focus on her career then maybe I had to do that too.

Avery ❤️ :

Can you please stop ignoring me?
We need to talk
Can u come to my room tonight?

Or you can come to mine?

Yeah that's fine too
How are you?

Good, you?

Good good
Why are u acting like this?

Like what?

Ignoring me for a week?
Ignoring me in the paddock?

Lol we agreed to that yeah?

No I want to kiss YOU
I wanna introduce you to my family
And drivers
To my team
Not Millie

And you're the only one to have a career?
Selfish much?

That's not what I said
We'll talk about it later

Once again she left me on read. Our entire relationship broke down because of one stupid picture, where you couldn't even see her and now I had people thinking I was dating my PR manager.

I hated to do this, but I had to.
She had to choose between me or her career.

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