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"Will I be in trouble?" I looked at Millie as I gave her phone back. She shrugged her shoulders. "Zak won't be happy that's for sure" I figured that much.
We walked together to the paddock. "So it's actually true? You wanna go?" She looked at me as she scanned her pass.
"Well yeah, I'm exploring my options" I honestly said. I wasn't sure if I really wanted that but I could atleast see what other teams had to offer. "Just so you know, I'm coming with you wherever you go" she said as she put her hand on my back. I smiled at her. I felt quite comfortable around her, so I didn't really mind.

As soon as I walked in the paddock, there were a million reporters around me. They obviously all wanted to know if I was really gonna leave Mclaren.
I tried to ignore them because to be honest, I didn't really know myself.
My heart started to beat fast as I walked to my hospitality. Zak was already waiting for me. "We need to talk" Zak looked at me. I nodded as I followed him. We walked in a room together.
We both sat down, if looks could kill then I would definitely be dead by now.
"So you wanna leave us" he started. I chuckled a little. Did he really wanna put the blame on me right now?
I wasn't gonna tell him that I knew he wanted to drop me because I didn't want to throw Avery under the bus. "Just exploring my options" I shrugged my shoulders. He sighed as he tapped the table.
"What if we offer you a contract?" I frowned. They wanted to drop me but now he wanted to offer me a contract? I was so confused.
Did Avery lie? Why would she lie about that?
"Then I will think about it" he wasn't really pleased with my answer but it was the best I could promise right now.

After the meeting with Zak, I sat down with Millie in front of the hospitality. We didn't have much to do right now.
We were both just on our phones.

Avery ❤️ :

How are you feeling baby?

Not good
I won't be there today

I will miss you
Are u gonna stay in my room?

I'm gonna sleep

I will see you later
Take care

I put my phone down and crossed my arms. I felt so tired.
"Are you feeling okay?" Millie looked at me. If I was honest, I didn't feel too great either but I had a lot of stress lately, so it was probably because of that.
"I just don't know what to do" I put my head in my hands.
Millie put her hand on my arm. "You just have to follow your heart" she softly said.
"All that my heart is doing is wreck my head" I mumbled. She put her chair closer to me and put her head on my shoulder.
What was going on? "It's difficult for sure" she said. Were we talking about the same thing?
I was talking about my future but I wasn't sure if she understood that.
I coughed a little and moved my body. I didn't want her to snuggle up to me. "Anyways Lando, we have a PR event tonight" she said as she quickly grabbed her phone. I sighed.
"Do we have to?" I looked at her but she nodded. "Zak really wants you and Daniel to be there" she explained, so I guess it was some type of sponsor event.


I couldn't wait to see Avery again, even though she was sick, I still wanted to be with her and to cuddle her better. I had some time before I had to be at this event so I definitely wanted to spend it with her.
She was still laying in bed as I walked in, she was asleep. I softly closed the door and put my stuff on the little table.

I looked at her, she looked so peaceful. I couldn't believe she was my girl.
She was everything I wanted in my life.
My smile quickly disappeared when I looked at the test that was laying on the table. It was positive.
My heart stopped for a second.
Fuck, we were in deep trouble.

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