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"What are we gonna do tonight?" Millie was laying on the bed as she looked at me.
I was straightening my hair. I honestly had no idea.
We stayed in Monaco for a couple of days but we almost had to go to the next race.
I worked a lot during the past days, so Millie had to spend a lot of moments alone. I guess I owed her a fun night.
"I will text Lando" she said as she grabbed her phone. Since when did she have his number?
I walked up to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Do you have a new bracelet?" I didn't look cheap and she had no job right now.
"Oh yeah. It's cute right?" She said before her phone lit up. "Lando is going out with Verstappen. Can we go too please?" It was like a kid asked me to go have a play date with their friend. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "It could be fun" I shrugged my shoulders.
I would take my mind of things. I haven't heard from Charles in a while. I wish he just texted me so I knew he was fine.


It wasn't hard to spot Max and Lando. Almost everyone wanted their attention. Millie grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.
Lando immediately smiled as he saw us and so did Max. "I am happy you guys could make it" Lando said as he hugged the both of us.

Max was pretty wasted already, Lando was dancing but I don't think he was drunk or tipsy even.
He put his hand in the air as he danced to the music. I noticed he was wearing the same bracelet as Millie. What was going on? Did they hang out while I was working? Did they buy matching bracelets?
"Are you okay?" Lando walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder.
I nodded as I looked at the bracelet he was wearing.
Was I feeling jealous? I shouldn't because I was hanging out with Charles a lot. But why didn't Millie tell me? That was why I didn't trust this.
She would normally tell me everything.
"Do you wanna go outside for a minute?" I put my face closer to Lando's because the music was very loud.
He nodded and gestured to Max that we were going outside. He grabbed my hand and walked with me outside.

He looked at me with a smile on his face. "Too many people there?" He knew I didn't handle too many people well. I nodded but that was not what was bothering me. "Want to get out of here?" I asked. I guess we both didn't expect this question. I hated myself for it.
"Not really" he answered. I raised my eyebrow. I thought he wanted me?
"Avery, I don't want you for your amazing body, I actually like spending time with you, I feel comfortable around you, you're the person I look forward seeing in the paddock because that smile lights up my day.
I don't want just sex. I want the things that lead up to it" I actually felt my heart beating. He was telling me all the things I wanted to hear.
"But I know you're opening up to Charles and you deserve that. You deserve to feel loved.
I'll always be your second best friend. Don't worry" his fingers brushed over my arm until it reached my hand. "I can't believe I just friendzoned myself" he chuckled as he held my hand.
"You're a muppet" I laughed, pulling him closer.
The worst feeling is when you feel like crying and you're hoping your voice isn't showing it.
It was exactly how I was feeling right now.

But he was right, I was opening up to Charles. I should stop messing around to protect my heart.
"I am going back to Charles" I said and he just nodded. "Can you keep Millie safe please?" I asked him. She would still enjoy herself without me. These boys are pretty fun to be around with, but I had to make things right with Charles.
"Of course, don't even worry about it" he assured me as he pulled me into a hug.

I was so conflicted right now. Lando wanted to give me his heart, not just his dick.
But he said to go to Charles and open my heart to him. Why did he say that? Why did he want that?

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