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Lando's POV

I missed Avery. She was sitting with Charles and her friend in front of his hospitality. They were laughing together. I used to make her laugh like that.

She was so different from Sofia. She didn't use me to gain followers, she couldn't care less about that. I had the feeling that she genuinely liked to spend time with me, she liked me for who I was, not for what I am.
I realized I made a mistake, I shouldn't have let her go. I should've waited until she was ready to date someone.

She was definitely hooking up with someone. I recognized the glow on her face.
"Hi baby, what are you thinking about?" Sofia walked up to me and kissed my lips quickly.
"Just about the race and stuff" she would kill me if she actually knew what I was thinking about.
"When are you gonna post something about me? You don't even reply on my posts?" I sighed. Was that really all she cared about? "I will do that when I'm ready" I snapped. I didn't like that she would always ask me about that.
It was annoying. I saw how she rolled her eyes but I couldn't care less.

I knew what I had to do. I had to go to Avery before she fell for someone else or before someone else realized how amazing she was.


I was standing in front of her room. I hesitated for a minute but I had to do this. I quickly knocked on her door and not long after someone opened the door, but it wasn't her. It was her friend.
"Hi Millie, is Avery here?" She smiled a little and nodded. "Avery, Lando is here, I'm going to the store" she yelled in the room and looked back at me. "Good luck" she whispered as she walked away.
She definitely had the same personality as Avery, she made you feel comfortable around her.
I slowly walked in her room, I didn't even know what to say or do.

She walked out of the bathroom, she was only wearing a towel around her body. "Hi Lando, how are you?" She smiled, she didn't even care she was almost naked.
"I fucking miss you, I want you and only you. I need you in my life. You're different, you make me feel so comfortable" I just blurted my feelings out.
"I'm sorry, you probably don't feel the same or maybe you already like someone else"
I shook my head. It was so stupid.
She was just looking at me, without saying a word.
She walked up to me and put her hand on my cheek.
"You don't even realize how long I waited for you to say this" she whispered as she softly pressed her lips against mine.
I didn't expect this but I wasn't complaining. I pulled her closer to my body as I kissed her back.
The butterflies in my stomach were definitely awake, after being asleep for so long.

I threw her on the bed and crawled on top of her. She already ditched her towel so she was laying completely naked under me.
"Fuck" I grumbled as I kissed belly up to her boobs. I nibbled on her piercing before making my way to her neck. She wrapped her arms around my body, she moaned a little, something I definitely missed hearing.
But the best thing of all, I could finally kiss her. I put my hand on her cheek and pressed my lips against hers. She opened her mouth a little, allowing me to meet her tongue.
She tasted amazing, exactly how I imagined her to taste like.
"Take your clothes off" she mumbled on my lips. I didn't need her to tell me twice. I quickly took off my shirt and pants, I just let them fall on the floor.
She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled my body closer against her.
Her nails were traveling over my back. She bit her lip as she was smirking at me.
"What?" I smiled down at her, she was so unbelievable beautiful. "Nothing, I just really missed this" she said softly. I definitely missed this too. I let my hand travel over her legs and thighs.
"I will show you how fucking much I missed you" I said as I put my hand on her cheek, my thumb was resting on her lips.
"Fuck, I can't wait" she bit my thumb softly.
Our lips crashed together, as our bodies did the same.

This girl was definitely gonna be the death of me.

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