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It was pretty hard waking up the next day and acting like I was fine because I obviously wasn't.
I started to like Lando, a lot. Even if I didn't realize it soon enough.
I should've just told him I liked him, that I wanted to be more than friends, but I said nothing.

I walked to the place where I agreed to meet Charles. My crew was already there.
After he showed us around and we filmed everything we needed, he asked if I wanted to drink something with him and of course I agreed.

"You don't look very happy" he broke the silence. I felt bad, I wasn't really in the right mood and I guess he noticed it. "I am sorry, just had a terrible evening" I tried to explain without giving too much details.
"You don't need to say sorry, it can't be easy to be away from home all the time. We can go back between races but you have to follow us" he was right, it wasn't easy and I thought I found a friend or even more in Lando but I guess I was wrong.
He found someone he liked, someone who actually wanted to go on dates and let him kiss her.


We flew to Italy for the next race. I wasn't looking forward to it at all.
I was scared Lando would take the girl he liked to this race and I wasn't ready to see that at all.

I could hear his laugh behind me as I scanned my paddock pass. I didn't even dare to look behind.
"Hi Avery" I could feel his hand on my back. Fuck, now I had to look at him.
I quickly looked behind, he was walking with someone, but it wasn't a girl.
I never felt so happy, so relieved. "Hi Lando, how are you?" I smiled a little at him but also at the guy who was walking next to him. They could honestly be brothers, he also had brown curls and was very good looking as well. "Good good, this is Max by the way. He's my best friend" he introduced the guy. I quickly shook his hand. "I'm Avery. I'm.." I couldn't finish my sentence because Lando interrupted me. "She's the Netflix girl" I rolled my eyes at his comment but I guess he was right. Everyone referred to me like that. "Can you give me more than 30 seconds airtime this season?" his best friend laughed. I definitely recognized him now, they gave him very little airtime indeed. "Maybe 40 seconds if you're nice" I jokingly said.
They both laughed as we were walking to the hospitalities.

They both wanted to walk in the Mclaren hospitality but I quickly stopped Lando. "Do you have a minute?" I said as I grabbed his arm. He nodded and turned to Max. "I'll see you inside" Max nodded and walked inside. It was just Lando and I right now.
I didn't even think about this. What should I say? Maybe I had to think about this first.
"I wondered if you maybe wanted to do another thing on our list?" It was the first thing I could think about. It was lame, but I wanted to spend some time with him.
"Yeah great idea. I have some ideas already." He was always so excited. I loved his enthusiasm. "I'll meet you after the practices? I can come to your hospitality?" I said and he immediately nodded.

He waved a little before he walked inside his hospitality. I was definitely gonna ask about the girl he liked even though it may hurt me, I wanted to know if he was happy. He deserved that.
I sighed a little. I already missed his touches. This girl doesn't realize how lucky she is.

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