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Avery's POV

I've never been so sick in my life. I missed two races because of Covid, so there was only one race left before the summer break.
Fortunately Lando never tested positive so he didn't miss a race. It was a little weird between us though. We didn't talk much, which wasn't entirely his fault because I was sleeping most of the time but when we actually talked he sounded a little bit off.

I was happy to be back, the paddock definitely became my second home. I loved to be here, mainly because I would see Lando again too. 
"Good to have you back, I definitely missed you. How are you feeling?" Scott looked at me as he was sitting in front of me.
"Feeling alright. Definitely happy to be back. What did I miss?" I was excited to hear all the gossip I've missed because Lando didn't really tell me much. "A lot, most of it involves your boyfriend so you probably already know about that" he looked at me but he probably noticed I didn't actually know. "So basically Toto, Christian and Zak are fighting over him" he started explaining. "Wait, Zak?" I thought he wanted to drop him? Why was he in the mix now?
"Yeah turned out that they weren't talking about Lando" fuck they were talking about Daniel and we assumed it was about Lando. It was a mistake on our side and I definitely made it worse by telling Max about it.
"Oh fuck, so they wanted to drop Daniel and now there probably gonna lose Lando?" I summarized and Scott confirmed it by nodding. "If Lando decides to leave yeah. So it's best to film there this weekend and the Ferrari garage" Scott said which caused me to raise my eyebrow. "Ferrari why?" I guess I missed a lot.
"A lot of tension there too but I'll go there so you can be around your boyfriend" he winked at me as he got up.
It would definitely be nice to see Lando again.

I walked to the Mclaren hospitality as fast as I could. Normally he would be sitting outside but he wasn't right now, probably because it was pouring rain.
I walked inside but I couldn't see him either, which was weird because Millie was here so he wasn't doing interviews or something.
"Have you seen Lando?" I walked to Millie. She turned around a looked at me. "Yes" she just said. Was she serious right now? "Yes? Where is he?" I was getting annoyed but I did my best not to show it.
"I'm sure he doesn't want a camera following him right now" I raised my eyebrow. "What's wrong with you?" I didn't even recognize her. "Nothing, but I'm a little disappointed that you didn't even tell me you're dating Lando" fuck, did he tell her? He knew I needed it to be a secret.
"Well, I can't really tell anyone, you know that" she just nodded as she was looking around. "I am your best friend, I thought you knew you could trust me but I guess not" fuck I really disappointed her. I actually felt bad for her.
"I do trust you, let's hang out tomorrow and I'll tell you everything" she nodded enthusiastically. I had to trust her, she was my best friend after all.
"He's in his drivers room, probably sleeping because he was tired" she pointed at his drivers room. "Go, I'll distract them" she winked at me.
I was so thankful for her.

I quickly walked up the stairs, I didn't care if he was asleep, I just wanted to see him.
I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I quickly opened the door and walked in. He was laying on his couch, his cap was covering his eyes.
I kneeled down next to the couch and looked at him. He was so handsome and cute.
I was so happy to have him in my life. He was amazing in everything he did.

He started moving a little and put his cap away. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Stop staring at me" his voice cracked a few times.
"I can't, you're so cute and I have missed you" I said as I crawled on top of him.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips softly. I missed this so much.
I was already looking forward to the summerbreak.

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