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Avery's POV

I spend a week with Charles. It was amazing, but we both kinda figured that we didn't work out.
I was still thinking about Lando and he was still in love with Charlotte.
I was glad that we talked about that, that we could be honest about our feelings without blaming each other.
I also spend a lot of time defending myself to my boss. He obviously also saw the picture Charles posted. I told him it wasn't me, I knew he didn't believe me completely but he let it go for now.
It didn't really matter because Charles and I ended things anyways.

I returned back to England, I still had to empty out my moms house. I was never ready for it, I think I was never gonna be really ready for it but I had to do it.


Are you free today?
I could really use your help

I can make some time
What's up?

Can u maybe come to my place?
I will send u the address

Of course
Let me put some clothes on
I will be there soon

I hated to drag him into this, but I felt as if I could trust him and I needed him by my side if I did this.
I needed his bubbly personality to cheer me up if needed.

Not much later he arrived. As soon as I opened the door I saw his pretty smile. "Hi Avery, can I come in?" He asked. I probably was staring at him too long. It has been a pretty long time since I saw him.
"Yes sure" I opened the door a little bit more to let him in. He walked in, looking at everything.
I lived in a pretty small apartment, it wasn't much but I was never here so it would be a waste of money to rent something bigger.
"So you needed me?" He said as he sat down on the couch.
I loved how we just felt comfortable around each other.
"I am going to my mothers place, to grab some important stuff or whatever I wanna keep" I explained as I sat down next to him. "I was wondering if you wanna go with me? You don't have to if you don't want" he probably didn't expect this but he nodded. "Of course I wanna go with you. Is it the first time you go to her place again?" I nodded. It probably wasn't gonna be easy, that's exactly why I needed him.
I couldn't think of another person who I wanted next to me in this moment.


As expected it was pretty hard to walk around in her house without her.
Lando didn't say much but I could feel his hand on my back or arm from time to time. That was exactly what I needed.
After I grabbed everything I needed, we both sat down in the garden.
"What are you gonna do with her house?" Lando asked as he looked around. It was a beautiful garden, she always enjoyed spending time here.
But after all these months, it was a mess.
"I don't know. Sell it?" I didn't want to sell it but my sister was a mess right now.
The only thing she did was drink and party and she needed money for that so she probably wanted to sell it as soon as possible. "You really want that?" Lando saw right through me. He knew I didn't want this. I shook my head.
"No but I don't have the money so I kinda have to" I sighed.
"Did your mom like to work in the garden?" Lando changed the subject. I was happy he did.
I nodded enthusiastically. I started to tell different stories about her and Lando just listened with a smile on his face.
"We always did huge barbecues with all our friends and family. It was amazing. I really miss that" I honestly had to admit that I would like to keep this house.
I really had to talk to my sister.

"Thank you for today Lando, I really appreciate it" I smiled. "That's what best friends are for" he nudged me laughing.
I wanted to be more as friends but I don't know if he still wanted that.
He never flirted with me anymore and I still had the feeling he was messing with Millie.
"You wanna come to my house tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes, I really wanna see your place" I saw his place in Monaco and that was amazing so I could only imagine how his house would look like.
Probably just as messy or even messier.

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