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I returned back to Lando's room after I met up with Millie. It was always tricky to sneak in his room but fortunately we were never spotted before.
It was already pretty late, I knew Lando was about to go to sleep.
I could see that when he opened the door.
"Oh baby" I wrapped my arms around him. He looked pretty confused but I could see how tired he was. "Oh hello" he smirked as he closed the door behind me.
"You look so tired, you wanna go to sleep?" I put my hand on his cheek but he shook his head. "I wanna hear about your day so tell me everything" he said as he crawled in bed and opened his arms with the cutest smile on his face.
I laid down in his arms. I never felt so safe, so loved.
"Nothing special happened. I just followed Ferrari and I went out for drinks with Millie" I actually didn't really want to give too many details about our girls night especially not after all the questions she asked.
"What about you baby? I've heard you got offers from Mercedes, Mclaren and Red Bull?" I still can't really understand why he didn't tell me.
His fingers brushed over my back as he nodded. "They're interested yeah but they didn't offer me anything yet" he looked as if he didn't know what to do. Which was understandable because I probably wouldn't know what to do either.
"But you don't know what to do?" I put my head on my chest and looked up at him.
He just shrugged his shoulders. "Not really. Mclaren is my home but I don't trust them anymore, Red Bull is a great team but I will always be behind Max and Mercedes yeah, I don't know if I really belong there" I just listened to him.
I wanted him to make the decision on his own.

I kissed his chest softly as I made my way up to his neck and lips. Honestly I was very horny and he didn't make any moves.
Why not?
I sucked a little on his neck. I could hear him moan softly, so he actually was in the mood.
"Baby I'm so horny, you make me weak" I whispered in his ear.
I could feel his body tense up a little. "Fuck me too baby" he mumbled. I put my lips against his. I loved to taste him, to feel him.
I was so attracted to him and I could definitely feel that he was attracted to me too.
"I will take the lead today" I smirked as I sat on top of him. My hands traveled over his chest.
He was so handsome. I knew he was insecure about many things but I just couldn't understand why. 
He was cute, handsome and his smile could light up an entire town.


"Since when are those two such good friends?" Scott pointed at Lando and Millie. They were sitting together outside of his hospitality.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Probably when she became his PR manager" we just walked straight passed them, we had other things to worry about because our boss wanted a presentation about everything that happened in this first half of the season. "And it doesn't bother you?" I shook my head. I trusted Lando, I don't think he was interested in her at all. I was quite sure about that actually and Millie also wasn't interested in him.
He winked as I walked by, I wish I could just walk up to him and kiss him then and there.
To let everyone know that he was mine, that he was taken.

I would be quite hard to hide everything when we were going on a vacation together.
Fortunately his friends and family would be there too, I invited Millie as well so it would just look like we were all friends. Hopefully.

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