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"So you're stalking me today?" Daniel said as I walked up to him with my crew.
"I am definitely gonna follow you today. You're the star here" I said as I nudged Daniel a little. He was excited to be here, you could definitely see that but he was also nervous because he wanted to do well, especially here.
"You better make me look good" he laughed. I really liked to be around him. He was a ray of sunshine.
"Don't worry, just be yourself and everything will be fine" I assured him.

My crew followed him around, but I had other things to do. I had to go through all my emails.
Toto and Christian both requested another interview. Both of them were important for our show, but I also wanted to focus less on their drama.
"Are you cheating on me?" I recognized Lando's voice so I quickly looked up. "I thought you were gonna follow me but I'm stuck with this dude" he gestured at Scott.
I chuckled, did he do this on purpose? They obviously could hear him.
"Do you miss me?" I closed my laptop a little so I could focus my attention on him.
"Yeah, I thought it would be fun to spend the day together. I could show you around and stuff" he sounded genuinely excited for that.
I gestured to Scott, he probably knew what I was about to tell him already. "Can you check on Daniel? I'll keep an eye out on this one" I pointed at Lando. Scott sighed a little but nodded anyways. I definitely had to explain that tonight.

"So this is our hospitality and this is my drivers room" Lando said as he was showing me around. I chuckled a little. "You have to pretend that we aren't here, you know that right?" He was showing me around as if it were only the two of us. We couldn't really put that in the show.
"Right sorry, it's just hard to ignore you" he said with a little smile on his face. I noticed how the crew looked at me. They raised their eyebrow smiling.
I had a lot of explaining to do because they were probably gonna tell Scott.
"Anyways, it's time for practices. Enjoy the show" he said as he winked at me.

@AveryReese: I'm enjoying the show

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@AveryReese: I'm enjoying the show.

Liked by @Mclaren, @LandoNorris, @Maxverstappen1 and 2.749 others.

@LandoNorris: Look at that beauty 😍
@user1: are they dating?
@user2: i think she's just working there
@user3: Lando commented!!


I walked in the bar where I agreed to meet up with Scott. I was excited to have some private time with him. We didn't really talk much during the last few days.
He was already sitting at the bar so I walked up to him and kissed his cheek as I sat down next to him.
"How are you?" He quickly put his phone away and looked at me. "Good, how are you?" I answered quickly and ordered something to drink.
I just ordered a red wine. I really needed some alcohol after these busy days.
"Tired, but it was a fun day with Daniel. How was your day with Lando?" He turned his face to me. He definitely heard some stuff. I was sure about that but I wasn't gonna give him too much details.
"It was cool, he showed me around the hospitality and stuff" Scott smiled a little as he listened to me.

"What is going on between the two of you? And don't even try to lie" maybe I had to be honest with him, he was my best friend after all.
"We are having some fun, if you know what I mean" he definitely knew what I meant. He knew all about my past, so he also knew I didn't do dates, only friends with benefits.
"So he's your new friend?" I nodded. A friend with a lot of benefits but I also had fun with him without having sex with him. "And he's fine with just being your friend with benefits?" He continued. I shrugged my shoulders. "Why wouldn't he be?" I raised my eyebrow.
Lando never really told me he wanted anything more than what we had right now. He even was texting someone else. He was probably gonna stop messing with me as soon as he got into a relationship, which wasn't gonna be too long I guessed.
"Because the guy likes you" Scott said as if it was the most obvious thing.

He didn't like me, he liked to have sex with me.

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