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I couldn't wait to see Lando again. We had such amazing days together but it would be different here.
We had to act professionally around each other. No kisses and no hugs.
"Did you hear the news yet?" Scott walked in and put his phone in front of my face.
I scanned through the article as fast as I could. "Lewis is retiring?" I looked at Scott in disbelief.
Scott nodded. "So I guess I know who you will be following today" he chuckled. I nodded.
I guess I didn't have a choice.
I was actually quite surprised he was retiring but that also meant that there would be a empty seat.
A seat Lando definitely deserved.

I grabbed my stuff together but I noticed Scott kept looking at me. "What?" I said as I looked at him. He just shrugged his shoulders. "So Lando and you? I am quite surprised. Didn't Lando go on a date with Millie?" I titled my head a little.
When did they go on a date together? They never told me anything about that.
"Did they?" I looked up at Scott. "I thought they did but I could be wrong" I knew I shouldn't be jealous or whatever because I actually been on several dates with Charles but I felt kinda betrayed by Millie. She was supposed to be my best friend and she knew I was stuck between Charles and Lando.
I also was disappointed with Lando, why did he never tell me about that?

I walked through the paddock with my laptop still in my hands. I haven't seen Lando today, he was probably busy doing interviews or whatever.
My crew was already standing in the Mercedes hospitality.
I still couldn't believe Lewis would retire next season.
"So I guess you heard the news" Toto walked to me and patted my back. I hated when people touched me but Toto was always pretty nice to me.
"Unfortunately yes, did you already sign a new driver?" He shook his head. "I am exploring my options" I nodded. I wasn't gonna push him. I was sure he had Lando between his options too.
"Do you know anything I don't?" Oh Toto I knew so many things. Too many probably.
"Probably yeah, but you know I can't say" I smirked a little. He rolled his eyes laughing.

I was tired, I felt a little sick even so I didn't stay too long with my crew. It was lunch time anyways.
"Hi Avery, do you have a little time for lunch?" Charles was walking next to me.
We decided to stay friends so it wouldn't be weird to grab lunch with him right?
I nodded. "Sure, does the Ferrari hospitality have good food?" He shrugged his shoulders laughing. "It's decent" he laughed. Decent was good enough for me anyways.
We both sat down together outside of his hospitality. "You don't look too great, how are you feeling?" He looked concerned. "I am feeling a little bit sick. My head is pounding" I said as I started eating. Maybe I was just hungry.
"Did you talk to Charlotte yet?" I knew he wanted her back, they belonged together just like Lando and I. He nodded. "She'll probably come to the next race and we will have a talk" I was happy to hear that. Charles actually started to mean a lot to me, I had such an amazing time with him.
"I really hope you'll get back together with her" and I really meant that.
He just smiled a little. He didn't ask anything about Lando and I, he probably wasn't interested in that.
For the first time today, I saw Lando.
He was walking through the paddock with Millie.
He looked in our direction and frowned his eyebrows a little. He probably didn't like to see me sitting together with Charles but I didn't care.
He had to understand that we were still friends.

Lando 🧡 :

So I wanted to ask u to grab lunch
But I see you already ate

I still have room for a little dessert

Then u better hurry to me

He didn't have to tell me twice. I said my goodbyes to Charles and walked to the other side of the paddock.
No one really paid attention to me, they were all eating and talking so I hurried upstairs to his drivers room.
I knocked a couple of times and walked in.
He immediately wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. "I've missed you so much" he said as he pressed his lips against mine.
The kiss was slow at first but he deepened it soon after.
"I did too, you have no idea" I mumbled against his lips.
He put me down and just looked at me. "Are you okay?" He titled his head a little. Okay I should really look like shit, he was already the second person who asked me that question.
"I am fine. Just a headache and stuff. Can we just cuddle tonight?" He nodded enthusiastically.
It was gonna be a challenge to sneak in his room, but I would do everything for cuddles.
I really needed that tonight.

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