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"What do you think about it all? Are you enjoying yourself?" One of the mechanics asked as I was standing in the Red Bull garage.
The race was already halfway and it looked like they were doing a good job.
"It's a bit much to understand it all but yeah it's pretty fun" for a moment I actually forgot I had a job to do.

All of a sudden a car started to get fire. I gestured Scott to go to their garage. Fortunately we had different camera crews so one of them stayed here with me while the other hurried to the Alpha Tauri one.
"It's impressive that you're in charge this season" what did he mean by that? I just looked at him confused.
"I mean, You're pretty young and you probably don't have much experience with F1" he quickly added when he saw how confused I was.
I fucked a driver so that counts for a little experience right?
Luckily our conversation was interrupted because there was something wrong with Max's car.
Not much later Checo had to retire as well. I guess it wasn't a great start of their season but it would make great content.

I was standing in front of the Red Bull hospitality. I wanted to check if Max was fine. It maybe was a bit out of place and my colleagues would probably never do that but I felt bad for him.
I didn't even know if he wanted to talk to me but I could atleast try.
"You forgot your cameras" Max chuckled as he walked passed me.
I just followed him inside. "Nah it's just me right now. I wanted to check if you were alright" he stopped walking and looked at me as if he didn't believe me. "You can search me, I have nothing on me" I said as I put my hands in the air. He probably thought I was wearing a mic or something. He definitely didn't trust us.
"That's okay" he laughed. "You're one of a kind" I didn't know if that was a good thing but I was gonna take it as a compliment.
"I am fine though, it just sucks but they will find what was wrong with the car. I trust them" he opened the little Red Bull fridge and threw one my way.
I quickly caught it and smirked at him. He shook his head laughing.
I actually really liked his personality, I guess the media just portrayed him differently. I was gonna change that.

There was nothing left to do for us, so I decided to go back to my room and pack for the next race.
Out of all the people in this paddock, Lando was the one who walked up to me.
How did he manage to find me all the time?
"Can you give me your phone please?" He put his hand in front of me. I frowned. Why did he always want my phone.
I grabbed my phone and quickly swiped a text from Scott away. "Yeah you have the right number so I'm wondering why you didn't text me yet?" He said as he scrolled through my phone.
I rolled my eyes laughing. "Maybe I found someone else" I said as I grabbed my phone out of his hands. "Hey I thought we had a deal" he looked at me and tried to look disappointed.
I just chuckled and started to walk away.
"Why do you always do that?" He said as he walked after me. "Do what?" I sighed a little.
How much energy does this guy have? He just drove a race and he still had more energy than me.
"Always walk away when we're in a conversation" I stopped walking and looked at him. "Do you do this with all your one night stands?" I just wanted to go back to my room and sleep or watch Netflix. "You're my first so yeah I guess" he chuckled. I had to admit that I didn't expect this.
"Alright, I'm just very tired. I just wanna go back to my room and chill" I felt like I had to explain why I was being so rude. "I mean, I could use some distraction if you're up for it?" I added but I realized how wrong that sounded.
I didn't want to invite him over to have sex but I wouldn't mind if it happened anyway.
"Text me your room number" he sounded excited.

Maybe it would be fun to have someone around who I could have fun with and he was pretty good looking.

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