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Avery's POV

After the interviews with Daniel and Lando, I had nothing else to do. My crew was gonna follow Zak a little bit but I didn't feel like following them around. They would do fine on their own.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the media center. Scott was still following the other crew. He gestured me to come to him.
"Are you leaving?" He asked as he looked at me.
I nodded. "Are you busy tonight?" Okay fuck, I couldn't tell him I was gonna have fun with Lando.
"Yeah kinda, but we can do something tomorrow if you want?" I quickly said. Fortunately he didn't ask what I was gonna do tonight. He probably noticed it wasn't really his business anyway.
"Fine by me. Have fun tonight" he smiled a little but I noticed that he didn't really mean it.
I wanted to ask if something was wrong but I decided not to. I would ask him tomorrow.


"I've brought some food. I don't know if you're hungry but I am" Lando walked in my room with some food in his hand. "You didn't have to, but thanks" I mumbled softly. I felt as if I had to explain myself to him.
He sat down on the edge of my bed and looked at me. "Lando, I am sorry. I had to tell you earlier but I was scared I guess" I sat down next to him. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought you weren't gonna like me anymore" I felt pretty stupid right now. We weren't even dating, we were just friends but I still cared a lot about his opinion. I liked having him around and I obviously also liked having sex with him.
"I will always like you, except for the mornings because you're a grumpy monster then" he nudged me a little and pulled me on his lap.
"What about a quick shower?" He smirked a little. I guess it was clear why he was here. He wasn't here to talk to me about what I did, he was here to have sex.
I just nodded, even though I wasn't really in the mood. I knew he would get me in the mood pretty quick.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the bathroom.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed my neck a couple of times. "Are you okay?" He titled his head a little as he looked at me.
"I don't think I'm really in the mood" I said. He just nodded. "Then we don't do it today. That's okay" he smiled a little.
I thought it would be awkward but he never made it awkward. I felt so comfortable with him, I don't know how he did that.
"We can watch some Netflix while we eat?" He chuckled a little as he sat down on the bed.
"Oh yeah let's watch drive to survive" I laughed as I grabbed the food and crawled on the bed.

It was a pretty fun evening. We just watched some Netflix and ate the food he brought with him.
We were laying next to each other, he was on his phone, scrolling through Tiktok and once in a while he showed me a funny video.
I don't think he was planning on leaving any time soon.
"Look at this" he said laughing as he showed me his phone. I saw a notification of a text on his phone.
It was a girl, there was nothing special in the text, she just asked how his day was.
"Someone asked how your day was" I pointed at his phone. He quickly looked at it and started typing something.
"So who is the girl?" I asked, I didn't feel jealous, I was just curious. "Just a girl I've been texting. Nothing special" he replied.
"Maybe it's better if you go?" I looked at him, he titled his head confused. "Why?" Maybe I was a little jealous, I didn't know why. He was doing nothing wrong but I just didn't want to feel too attached.
"Isn't it weird that we sleep together but we're just friends?" Most of the times we fell asleep after we had sex, but we didn't have sex tonight. We were just hanging out together.
"Maybe, so you wanna be more than friends?" He smirked as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes.
"No, I want you to go" I pushed him a little. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow" he quickly kissed my cheek and got up.

He blew a kiss before he walked out. I really didn't want him to go but I needed to create some distance between us.
I hated to admit it but I felt weird around him. I was starting to fall for him.

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