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"So which one are we gonna check off?" I was walking next to Lando. He grabbed his phone and looked at it. "Do some stargazing in a foreign country" he read. Did he actually take a picture of my list? When did he even do that?
We both sat down together and I quickly looked up at the sky. It was honestly beautiful.
"Thank you for this, I needed it" I looked at Lando who was also looking up.
I guess we both needed it.
"It was your idea though" he looked me straight in the eyes. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were.

We definitely had a little moment there but Lando snapped me out of my thoughts.
"How was your day?" I shrugged my shoulders. Honestly it was okay but nothing special really but I obviously couldn't tell him everything. "It was okay. I met Toto and George" maybe I already said too much but I had to say something.
"How was yours?" I quickly added.
"Good, nothing special because these Netflix guys were following me" he sighed a little. "You don't like them?" It was a question I didn't need to ask because I already knew the answer.
"Not really, they made me look like the bad guy last season but they said they have someone new in charge so hopefully it will be better" I nodded. I would definitely make sure it would be better.
"Anyways, it's late already. I will bring you back" he said as he got up. He put his hand out for me and pulled me up.

He brought me back to my room like the gentleman he is. "Thanks for this amazing night, I can already check one thing of my list thanks to you" I said as I was standing in front of my room. "Our list" he corrected me with a smile on his face. "I had a great night too" he pulled me into a hug. He smelled so good, he always did.
"Bye Avery" he said as he walked away.
We definitely had something weird going on. We saw each other naked and had sex a couple of times but we weren't dating or even romantically involved. 
I guess we were friends who occasionally had sex. I couldn't complain about that because he definitely knew what he was doing in the bedroom.


It was race day. Scott was standing in the media center. I guess he was waiting for me to come in because he immediately walked up to me.
"So who do you want to follow this race? I don't think Mercedes and Mclaren are the ones we should follow" I kinda agreed with him. They both didn't seem like they had much pace.
"You take your crew to Ferrari and I'll take mine to Red Bull" they both seemed like the two teams who could battle for the win today, so it would be smart to follow both of them.
He nodded in agreement. "Good call, I was thinking the same thing" he said as he grabbed his stuff.

"Lando really likes you. He couldn't stop talking about you, but does he know you work for us?" He said as he closed his laptop. He followed him a couple of days so I guess Lando told people about our little 'date'.
"No he doesn't. He will next raceweekend though" I had to do their interviews in Australia so I had no choice but to tell him then.
"Don't let him break your heart okay?" He said as he walked out of the media center.
We were just friends, I wasn't ready to date someone else, not after everything that happened with my ex.

I sighed as I grabbed my stuff and walked to the Red Bull garage. Max immediately smiled when he saw me. "You're here today? Or you only need some fuel?" He gestured at the Red Bull in my hand.
"Both. I missed you too much, so I decided to take my cameras here. I know how much you love them" I chuckled because he immediately rolled his eyes. He definitely didn't like it, I guess no one really did.
"Anyways, good luck today. I know you'll do great" I knew I should be unbiased but I wanted him to win the race. Lando clearly didn't have the right car for the moment so he was my second favorite, for the moment.

My crew was definitely the best one, they knew how to take the best shots, I didn't need to intervene a lot but that unfortunately also meant that I had some free time during the race.
The mechanic from last time walked up to me again. "I didn't want to sound rude last time. I am sure you'll do a great job" he started to explain.
I just smiled at him. "Thanks, I appreciate it" I turned my face back to the screen who was showing the race. "I am Jack by the way" he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you. I'm Avery" I said as I leaned against the table.
Didn't he have a job to do right now? "Max is coming in the pits" I pointed at the screen and he immediately ran to the other mechanics.
I should really thank Max for his timing. He saved me twice now.

Scott and I really made the best decision possible. It was such an amazing battle between Charles and Max so we were standing in the right garages.
I really started to understand why people loved this sport so much, it was so exciting.
Max won eventually so the garage went crazy, it was an amazing atmosphere.

I was already looking forward to spending the weekend with Lando and his team even though it meant that he would know who I was and what kind of job I actually did.

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