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"No I don't like anyone" he said as he shook his head. "But you definitely won't see me naked tonight" he nudged me laughing.

We both walked in his bedroom. It was simple, a bed, a closet and a lot of clothes laying on the ground. He quickly grabbed a couple of shirts and threw it in his closet. "Sorry I didn't really expect visitors" that was a good thing, it meant he wasn't planning on messing around with someone.

After we had both freshened up. We crawled in bed.
We were both laying next to each other, not saying a word but I knew we were both thinking the same.
We used to rip each others clothes off.
I guess he was right. I definitely wasn't gonna see him naked tonight.


I woke up the next morning with an arm around my body. He was definitely someone who was used to cuddles, I on the other hand wasn't but I could get used to this.
I pressed my body a little closer to his. I felt safe in his arms. I rubbed my fingers against his arm, it made him wake up because I could feel him move a little.
He took his arm back and grumbled a little. I turned around to him and smiled. "I am sorry, I cuddled you again" his voice sounded rough.
"I didn't mind, I liked it" I didn't think about my answer, I was just completely honest which he obviously didn't expect.
I looked at his chest, he definitely worked out a lot. He was looking so handsome right now.
"Oh did you now?" He smirked as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his body.
I put my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, it was going fast but I guess our hearts were both going crazy.
"Coffee?" He mumbled. I wasn't ready to end this moment but I still nodded.
I guess he knew how much I needed my coffee in the morning.

"Did you talk to your sister yet?" He asked as he put a coffee in front of me. I nodded. "I called her, but she wants to sell the house so I have to buy her out if I wanna keep it" I put my hands around the coffee and looked down. "I just don't have money for that at all" I said softly.
"But I do" he said all of a sudden. I looked up at him. He was leaning against the counter.
"Yeah you do" I chuckled a little. "So let me help you" he said. I frowned my eyebrows. "You can't just buy a house for me" I shook my head. He was crazy if he thought I would let him do that.
"It's half a house because you own half of it" he shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal. I got up and walked up to him. "I can't take your money. You worked for it, I don't want to use you" he put his hands on my face to make me look at him. "You can take my money and you will. I know how much this means to you. Please just let me help you, I wanna see you happy" no one did something like that for me. I looked in his eyes.
I really wanted to kiss him and I could see he wanted to kiss me too. His thumb brushed against my cheek as his face moved closer to mine.

"Are you ready for your training?" Jon walked in the kitchen and we both backed away quickly.
"Uh yes.. how did you get in?" Lando stumbled a little. "Max let me in. I am sorry if I interrupted something" yes he definitely interrupted something.
Fuck, we were gonna kiss, we were finally gonna kiss. Why did he have to walk in now?
"I was going home anyways. Don't worry about it" I said to lighten the mood.
Lando walked me to the door. "I am sorry about that" he said softly.
"It's not your fault. Thank you again" I said as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
I put my face in his neck, he smelled amazing like always.
"Just make sure to invite me when you throw that amazing barbecue party" he laughed. Obviously I was gonna invite him. He didn't even know how much this meant to me.

He probably didn't even know how much he meant to me either.

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