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Avery's POV

Scott told me that Millie met Lando's family. He was following Daniel when they spotted them together.
They were taking this act a little bit too serious, you don't have to introduce your fake girlfriend to your parents.

I had to talk to Lando, I pushed him so much into this but I didn't want him to actually like her.

Lando 🧡 :

Please meet me on the parking lot


Yes please

Uh okay give me a minute

Everyone would be at the paddock right now so it was safe to meet at the parking lot.
He was already leaning against his car, he was looking at his phone.
As expected no one was here, it was a private parking for the drivers so we were kinda safe around here.

"Can we kiss or not?" He looked up from his phone and looked at me. I shook my head.
I still didn't want to risk it. He just nodded as he put his phone in his pocket.
"I've heard you introduced Millie to your parents?" I chuckled as if I thought it was funny, which I didn't, at all.
"No, my mom assumed she was my girlfriend because she probably saw the damn interview" okay that was probably the truth, why would he lie about that.
"And you didn't deny that?" I crossed my arms. I really had the urge to walk closer to him and just hug him for a moment.
He was looking so cute right now. His curls were perfect, he had a tan and he definitely worked out during the time we spend apart.
"Are you kidding me right now? I want to deny it all the time but you always tell me not to?" He raised his voice, it was the first time he actually raised his voice.
I didn't expect this, but I guess he was really done.
"Why don't you just wanna tell your boss about us?" I rolled my eyes at his question. How many times did I have to explain this?

"I can't lose my job. I need money and I don't wanna use yours" why didn't he understand that? Probably because he had all the money in the world and his parents as well.
"You can find other jobs in the paddock especially with your talent" fortunately he calmed down a little. "I don't want another job, I love this job" I shrugged my shoulders and he started chewing his gum faster. A sign that he was annoyed.
"So you love your job more than you love me?" He looked me straight in the eyes. It was just an unfair question.
I took long to reply because I was thinking about it but he already answered the question for me.
"Then it's sorted, you keep your job but I'm done with this shit. I was proud to call you my girlfriend but you obviously are not" I knew I couldn't save our relationship.
He wanted me to choose between my job or him. It was not fair, I didn't ask him to do that either.
So my instinct took over, I walked to him and pressed my lips against his.
I was gonna miss them so much. I was gonna miss him even more.
It was like we both knew it would be our last kiss.
He put his hands on my hips and pulled me against his body. It was probably the best kiss we ever had.

Fuck, I loved him, I was in love with him. All my feelings were there at the same time.
All my love for him, his love for me but most importantly the regret.
We definitely met at the wrong time.

"I hope you'll be happy Avery. You're honestly an amazing woman" his hand brushed over my cheek after our kiss.
I could feel my eyes burning, I was about to cry. Why did I have to work for Netflix and why did I fall in love with a driver?
I kissed his cheek one last time and turned around. The tears started to fall down my cheek as I walked back to the paddock.

I had to let him go even if it killed me.

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