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I walked in Lando's hotel. Everyone of his team was here so I had to be quick.
Not many people probably knew who I was but I was still hoping I wouldn't bump in to someone.
I quickly knocked on his room and not much later he opened the door and pulled me in.
Mission accomplished, no one saw me.
"First things first, where is your hoodie" I said with a smile on my face. He rolled his eyes laughing as he walked to his suitcase.
He threw his hoodie to me and I quickly put it on. It was so soft and smelled like him.
"Thanks, now take your shirt off" I pointed at him. He raised his eyebrow, he must be so confused but he still did as I said.
He took his shirt off and threw it on the floor.
I would never get bored of seeing him shirtless. Never.
"Now what? My pants too?" He said laughing. I shrugged my shoulders. "If you insist" I wasn't gonna complain about that.
He actually took his pants off and crawled in bed. He opened his arms as an invitation for me to lay in his arms.

Not much later I was laying in his arms. My fingers were going over his birthmarks on his chest and his fingers brushed over my back.
It was the perfect evening. We didn't talk about the race or work. We just enjoyed each other's company.
But as always, we were distracted by his phone. He looked at it and put it back down. "Who is it?" I looked up at him. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know the number so it isn't important" but I guess it actually was important because his phone was going off another time.
He sighed as he grabbed his phone and looked at it.
"That's odd, it's calling again. I am gonna pick up baby" he picked his phone up but didn't bother to sit up or stop touching my back.

"Yeah hello?" He sounded a little annoyed which made me chuckle. I could practically hear the entire conversation. It was Christian.
"Oh hi Christian, what's up?" He looked at me as he rolled his eyes.
Christian really had no shame, it was already 10pm and he was still calling Lando.
"Yeah sure, I can make some time tomorrow" I was happy Christian was reaching out to Lando, he actually got my hint.
I kissed Lando's chest softly. It was time to tease him a little.
I kissed his chest down to this underwear. I could see how Lando looked down at me and mouthed stop. Obviously I wasn't gonna stop.
"I am sorry, what time did you say?" His voice trembled a little as I pulled his underwear down and licked his dick slowly.
"Okay no problem, I will be there" I noticed how he wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible. "Good night, yeah bye Christian" he quickly hung up and put his phone away.
I stopped as soon as he ended the call, which made him look at me disappointed. "Are you for real?" He looked down at me as I smirked.
I kissed my way back up to his lips. "Do I have to call him back for you to do that again?" He chuckled but I guess he was kinda serious too.
"Yeah hearing Christian's voice definitely turns me on" I jokingly said.
He was definitely not gonna get it tonight. My head was killing me. I just needed sleep and looking at the dark circles under his eyes, he definitely needed that too.


I woke up by a kiss on my forehead. It was Lando, he was sitting next to me. Fully dressed and ready to go.
He probably already showered and everything and I slept through all of it.
My head was still killing me, even worse than yesterday. "Baby, I have to meet Christian" he whispered softly. "What time is it?" I looked at him, I could barely open my eyes. "It's 8. So just rest a little because I think you've a fever" he said as he put his hand on my forehead.
"I will bring you a coffee when I come back" I smiled a little. A coffee could always make me happy. He kissed my lips quickly and he walked out of the room.

I could definitely get used to this. Good morning kisses, coffee and hopefully breakfast in bed.
I turned around and closed my eyes again. Hopefully the meeting with Christian would go well. I was just hoping Christian wouldn't tell him that I told him to talk to him.
I knew Lando wouldn't like that at all.

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