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I knew Avery would be here, she told me about it once. She probably thought I wasn't listening but I definitely was.
She was sitting on the grass, alone.

"Can I sit with you?" I walked up to Avery. She quickly looked up and nodded.
"Are you okay?" She nodded again and looked up at the sky. "I got an offer to do a movie" she mumbled. "Really? Congratulations! That's what you wanted right?" I thought she would be happy, why didn't she look happy?
She just shrugged her shoulders. I could see that something was wrong but why was she not opening up to me?
I haven't seen her laughing in a long time.
"You know, you grow up fast when your fantasies die and nothing comes of wishing on the stars in the sky" she mumbled a little as she was still looking at the sky. I quickly looked at her.
"What do you mean by that? I frowned. I thought this was exactly what she wanted?
"Nothing Lando, good luck this weekend"
She got up and touched my shoulder softly.
I looked at her as she walked away, I sighed. She wasn't acting like this just because we broke up, there was something else bothering her.

I sat there for a little while, just thinking about everything.
I was definitely still in love with her, I don't think that would change very soon but if she was going to do movies then I would never see her again. I don't know how I felt about that.

I walked back in my room, I remember when we were sneaking in each others rooms and I would cuddle her all night.
I grabbed my laptop and opened Twitch. I hoped my friends would be online to distract me a little bit but unfortunately they weren't.
Kayla was online though, I haven't heard from her in a while either so I decided to watch her.
Most of the times she played cosy games while streaming but this time she was actually playing the F1 game. She really sucked though which was quite funny.

@LandoNorris: Ey you need to break in the corners
@user1: omg lando
@user2: lando in chat
@user3: hi Lando!

She smiled as she looked at the chat. "Landoooo!" She said enthusiastically. "Maybe you need to teach me because yeah I kinda suck" she laughed as she started the game again.
She kept looking at the chat which made her crash even more.

@LandoNorris: Eyes on the road
@LandoNorris: Don't read chat and drive c'mon

She laughed even more. "It's chat's fault" she used the sentence I always use, so she definitely watched my streams as well.


Why are u lurking in my chat
Give me tips then

I did!
Break in the corners
You muppet

Ay okay I got it!
Good luck tomorrow by the way

We should meet up some day
Then I'll teach you

That sounds like a great plan
I'm totally up for that


I was honestly so tired, I stayed up way too late but I wasn't gonna tell that to anyone especially not that I stayed up to talk to a girl.
It was just a friendly chat, I couldn't open up my heart for anyone yet because Avery still had all of it.
"Are you ready for qualifying?" Millie scanned her pass at the same time as I did.
How was this girl everywhere at the exact same time as me?
"Have you heard the news yet?" She asked as she put her pass away. I shook my head.
I just arrived, how could I know what she was talking about. "Avery left" I looked at her as I frowned. "What do you mean?" I couldn't believe it, why didn't she tell me yesterday evening? "I think she got some other offer, she never really liked it here anyways" I didn't believe that at all. It definitely wasn't her first choice but I knew she started to feel at home here.

I couldn't believe she actually left but I knew she really wanted to do movies so I was happy for her.
I wished her the best even if it wasn't with me.

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