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"Let me guess, eat a traditional pizza in Italy" I read and he pointed at me with a smile on his face. "You're a smart one" he nudged me before walking in the cutest little restaurant.
It was actually so romantic. "How do you know this place?" I asked as we both sat down. It was a little table with a candle in between us. "Google" he laughed. He probably didn't think it was a big deal but to me it was. He actually put effort in this and wanted to make sure it would be a nice place.
"I've heard they have the best pizzas" he said as he looked at the menu. "Did Google tell you that?" I chuckled. He looked up from the menu and shook his head. "No Maria did" Maria? Who was that? "Who's that?" I frowned my eyebrows.
Was that his new girl? "Maria67 left a review for this place" he laughed. I rolled my eyes. God he was so stupid but he made me laugh. He always manages to do that.

I had to admit that the pizzas were absolutely amazing. We had a really nice time together.
We talked about the upcoming races, our families, pretty much everything except our love life.
Our his one because I had none.
I just wanted to ask about that but a few fans interrupted us. They wanted to take a picture with Lando.
He got up and took the picture with them, I just looked at them. He was so sweet with his fans.
"Enjoy the dinner with your girlfriend" the fan said as he patted Lando's back.
"Yeah thanks" he quickly said as he sat back down with me.
It wasn't a big deal, I knew he wouldn't explain who I was to someone he didn't actually know.

"Are you ready to go?" Lando asked and I quickly nodded. We both got up after he paid for everything.
"I'll pay you back, don't worry" I said as we walked out. He rolled his eyes, I know it meant I wasn't gonna pay it back. I shouldn't even try to fight it.
"Thank you so much for tonight, I had an amazing time" I said with a smile on my face.
He nodded in agreement.
I just wish we could go home together and spend the evening together, but we didn't do that anymore.
It already missed that.

"How did you meet your girlfriend?" I blurted out. I was happy I did because I actually wanted to know. "Instagram. We messaged each other on there and then we started to FaceTime and stuff" he explained.
"But she's not my girlfriend. I haven't even seen her in real life yet" so he stopped everything with me for someone he didn't even met? I didn't know if I should be offended or not. "So you actually like her that much already?" He looked around a little, he was clearly thinking about what to answer. "Yeah, I really think could get serious between her and I" I actually admired his honesty but it broke my heart.
I wish he liked me that much, I wish he talked about me in that way.


I felt so happy after last evening. I had such an amazing time with him.
I walked through the paddock with a smile on my face, I wanted to wish Lando good luck but I quickly stopped as I saw him sitting outside of his hospitality.
He was sitting with his best friend and a girl. Obviously the girl he liked, I could see that in the way he looked at her.
She made him nervous because he licked the corners of his lips. He always did that when he felt a little nervous, but I guess it was a good thing with her.
"I told you to be careful with that" a voice said from behind me. I quickly looked behind me and saw Max. "I guess you were right" I mumbled before walking away from his hospitality.
"Are you free tonight?" I looked at Max. He chuckled a little. "Are you looking for a new friend?" I shrugged my shoulders.
I don't know if I was but I also didn't want to be alone.
"I will text you" he said as he walked in his hospitality.

I had a job to do, I didn't want to think about Lando or any other driver.
"Morning Avery, what's on the planning?" Scott said as soon as I walked in. I grabbed my laptop and sat down with him.
I quickly scanned through my notes. "I think we have to follow Mercedes a bit more. They have some problems with their car. It would make an interesting story" Scott nodded in agreement. "And just film around the paddock a bit. I don't think this quali will be too important" I said as I looked at him. He nodded as he grabbed his stuff.

I literally spend the entire day in front of my laptop. I wasn't feeling too well and I didn't want to walk around the paddock either.
My crew knew what they had to do.
If I was honest, I just didn't want to see Lando and that girl. I couldn't. I didn't had the power to do that right now.

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