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It was a challenge to sneak in her hotel, it was like sneaking in the lion's den but I would do everything for her and we had to talk about this.
She had to realize that Millie was not a good friend at all. Unfortunately, she was very smart, she always said those things face to face, never through texts so I had no proof.

I knocked on her door and it didn't take her long to open it. "Hi baby" I said as I walked in and kissed her lips. She kissed me back but I could feel that something was wrong.
"What is wrong with you lately?" She asked. Why did she think something was wrong with me? She was the one avoiding me.
"I don't wanna fake date your friend. I wanna be with you, kiss you, show you off" it was honestly a stupid idea and now I was in the middle of it, everyone thought I was fucking my PR manager. "It's only for the rest of the season, don't act like it's a big deal" she really didn't care at all. "That's like 6 months babe" I sighed. I couldn't do that. I really couldn't do that at all.
"Then we can't be together" she shrugged her shoulders.
"So you actually choose your career over me?" I asked. I actually wanted to know her answer to that. She chuckled a little. "Yes that's exactly what you're doing too" she started to raise her voice a little.
I frowned. "No? It's not the same and besides, I am not asking you to quit your job. I just don't wanna fake date Millie" even though it was probably too late, I could still just tell them it was a joke or whatever.
I was trying to stay calm because I knew if I raised my voice, it would end in an argument.
"Please, just do it for me?" She looked down. I came here with a plan, to let her choose between me or her career but I realized that wouldn't be fair either.
I sighed as I sat down on the bed.

She walked up to me and sat down on my lap as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I don't wanna lose you but I also don't wanna lose my job. Please why don't you understand that?" Her voice was soft. I was such a sucker for this girl.
"I do understand that and I don't wanna lose you either" I brushed my hand against her cheek and pressed my lips against hers.
It was a soft kiss, but she quickly deepened it. One kiss turned into many kisses and touches, it was exactly what I needed.

After a lot of kisses later, Avery was laying in my arms.
I would do absolutely everything for this girl, except for fake dating her friend. I would definitely fake break up with her as soon as possible.
"Anyways, how was your meeting with Christian?" She looked up at me. It was honestly a great meeting, I was really thinking about joining them next season. It would be fun to be Max's team mate, I already had a great friendship with him.
"Good, they're definitely on top of my list right now" I brushed my fingers through her hair. She was so unbelievably beautiful.
"I thought I was on top of your list?" She pouted a little.
I rolled my eyes laughing. "The list is for things I'm not sure about. So you're not even on the list anymore" it made no sense but she got what I was trying to say because she pressed her lips against mine and kissed me like she never kissed me before.


"Dating your PR manager isn't a great move man" Zak patted my back as he sat down next to me. "I am not dating her" I sighed. "What do you mean? She literally said it in front of the camera" he was visible confused and how could I blame him?
"Yeah well it's a lie, I am actually datin.." I couldn't even finish my sentence because I felt two hands on my shoulders. I wanted to look who it was when I felt two lips against mine.
"Millie what the fuck" I said as I looked at her.
She just shrugged her shoulders laughing as she sat down next to me. "What? We're dating right?" I rolled my eyes. Zak looked at the both of us, I could only imagine how confused he must be.
This was honestly another reason to leave Mclaren. I would also get rid of her.

I smiled when I saw my mom walking in the hospitality. I immediately got up and walked up to her. "I thought you would only come for the race?" I hugged her quickly. "No I also wanna see the practices and stuff" she quickly said but I saw her looking at Millie, who also got up and was standing next to me.
"And when were you planning on telling us you're dating someone?" She pulled Millie in a hug. Yeah she was hugging the wrong girl but she probably saw the interview as well.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Millie" they started talking and laughing.
How was I supposed to get out of this situation? I was fucked and way too deep to get myself out of it.

Honestly it would be way easier just to date Millie

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