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"What exactly is this thing?" I asked as Scott and I were walking inside a building. "It's where they present the drivers and the teams. Like the opening of the Super Bowl" he explained. This was such an American thing. Both of our crews were already inside, together with a couple of drivers and teambosses.
Every single driver and teamboss would be together in one room. Could it get even more awkward?
"Just film everyone, they probably will just do some small talk" I said to my crew.
It wouldn't be the most interesting thing to see, but we still had to film it.

I could feel a hand brush against mine. I quickly looked next to me. Charles was smiling next to me.
"I had a great time last night. You definitely know what you're doing and I like your piercing" He whispered a little but they were literally mics everywhere.
"Thanks Charles. I had a fun time too but look around please" I said softly, pointing at the mics. He nodded, he knew what I was trying to say.
This wasn't the time nor the place to talk about this at all.
His fingers touched mine for a little while before he walked off to the other drivers.

I sat down in a corner of the room. I couldn't deal with all this chatter about useless things.
Scott took his crew to the podium so I was left here alone.
After a little while Max sat down next to me. "Are you okay?" He looked at me. "Yeah, just a lot of people in one room" I said. He immediately nodded. I knew he wasn't a fan of this either.
"So you're the talk of the paddock lately" he chuckled. I raised my eyebrow to let him know I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Charles and you" he explained. I sighed a little. "How do you know about all these things?" I shook my head. It was quite frustrating that some people couldn't keep their mouths shut.
"Charles told me. He didn't really have a choice because I figured it out myself. I am quite the detective you know" he nudged me a little. "Does anyone else know?" I looked at him but fortunately he shook his head.
"I don't think so" I nodded my head as I looked at Lando. He was talking to George and Alex. He always had this smile on his face when he was in public.
He was quite good at hiding his feelings, because I knew he was frustrated with his car.
"But maybe you should tell him yourself before he finds out?" Max said as he looked in the same direction. He probably knew I was looking at Lando.
"He's dating someone else, why should I bother telling him? He shouldn't care about what I do" I shrugged my shoulders.
"He shouldn't but I am quite sure he does care though" we both looked at Lando. I guess he could feel the eyes on him because he quickly looked at us.
He put his thumb up, he was trying to ask if I was fine. I just nodded with a smile on my face.

"He's happy with Sofia though. I don't wanna mess with his mind" I mumbled which made Max sigh. I guess he was done with our drama. "You already did that" he said as he got up because Christian gestured to come to him.
I guess sitting with the Netflix girl wasn't allowed for too long.
Maybe he was right, maybe I should tell Lando but then again, it wasn't really any of his business.


After the opening ceremony, we all had a little party. We decided to not film it, just to have everyone relax a little.
I needed to relax a little too if I was honest.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I looked next to me, Charles was looking at me with a smile on his face.
I grabbed my drink and smiled. "You're too late babe" I laughed and sipped from my drink.
I rubbed my leg against his. He definitely liked that because he let his hand brush against my leg. "You wanna sleep at mine tonight?" He said a little bit more softly. "Two nights in a row? Damn Charles" I chuckled, maybe I was a little drunk already but I would never turn down a night with him.
"I blame you. I can't get you out of my head" it was the type of thing that made my heart beat a little faster. I moved my head a little closer to his and whispered. "You go already and I'll come a little later" he nodded in agreement.
It would look weird if we left together.

After I finished my drink, I decided it was time to meet Charles.
I grabbed my purse and started to walk out. "Are you leaving?" Lando grabbed my arm. I just nodded and looked at this hand. "Let go please?" He quickly softened his grip. "Can you stay with me for a little while please?" He looked at me, but I had other plans already. Charles was waiting for me.
Should I ditch Charles for him?

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