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I took way too long to get ready. We were just gonna hang out at his place but I still wanted to look good.
I was nervous, why was I nervous? I hung out with him so many times already.

I was waiting in front of his door, I could actually feel my heart beating so fast.
It wasn't Lando who opened the door. It was Max.
"You are literally everywhere" I laughed as I looked at him. I guess I misjudged this, I thought it would be just Lando and I but I guess not.
"I live here though" he opened the door a little bit so I could walk in. I guess I forgot Lando lived with his best friend.
I looked around, there were suitcases and boxes everywhere. These guys really needed a girl in their lives.

"Where is Lando?" I looked at Max, he pointed to the garden. "Working out with Jon" okay so it was definitely not just him and I.
I walked to the garden and sat down on a chair. Lando smiled at me as soon as he saw me. He got up and wanted to walk to me. "He will come to you as soon as he finished this" Jon stopped him as he looked at me.
Lando stuck his tongue out and laughed.
I actually didn't mind to watch him a little while, it was definitely a nice view.
He worked out a lot lately, I could see that.

Not much later he walked to me and sat down next to me. "I am sorry, my trainer likes to torture me" he laughed as he grabbed his bottle of water. "That's okay, I didn't mind at all" I chuckled as I nudged him. "Admiring the view huh" he laughed. I definitely was, even more than I would like to admit.

After a quick tour around his house, we both sat down on his couch. I had to admit that his house was amazing and a lot less messy than I expected. Probably because he wasn't here much.
"So how are Charles and you doing?" He asked as he put two glasses on the little table.
"We ended things" I quickly said but I noticed how he looked at me. "We both felt like it would be better to not be together" I was so vague right now but I just didn't have the guts to tell him I was thinking about him constantly.
I was scared that he would reject me, it would break me.
"I am sorry" is all he said. He couldn't say much more.

We ordered some food and fortunately it didn't take long to arrive.
He quickly got up and walked to the door. I was looking around. I felt so at home, so comfortable around him. I never felt like this before.
I saw his phone lit up a few times, I knew it was wrong and I knew I shouldn't do this but I couldn't help myself.
I quickly looked at it. He had a few texts from Millie and a couple dm's from some girl I never heard of. Kayla or something.
What did I expect? That he would just wait for me?
Obviously girls were trying to get his attention, he was single, funny and handsome as fuck.

We spend the entire night watching movies, laughing and drinking, or I did atleast. Lando didn't really drink, especially not during the season.
"It's late, I should go" I said as I got up. "Yeah you're not driving though. Give me your keys, I will drive you" Lando quickly said as he grabbed my arm to stop me. "And how are you gonna get back if you drive me home in my car?" It was obviously a question he didn't think about.
"Then you just stay here" he grabbed the keys out of my hand and put them in his pocket.
"You can have my bed, I'll sleep here" he pointed at the couch. I rolled my eyes. "We can both sleep in your bed. I saw you naked before" I chuckled, he didn't really respond. "Or do you like someone?" I didn't even think about that.
He probably didn't flirt with me because he was messing around with someone else. Maybe even Millie. It would break me if it was her, it would break me no matter who it was.

He fell first, but I definitely fell harder.

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