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I received Lando's money a couple of days ago. I literally never had so much money in my bankaccount.
We didn't really talk or hang out after that night and morning in his house. He had to prepare for the race, his home race.

I was excited to see him again, I definitely had to thank him for the money. I never really expected him to actually give it to me, but he did.
He was unbelievable.

"Good to see you again. Did you enjoy your time off?" Scott walked next to me with a smile on his face. "I definitely enjoyed my time off, how was it here?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Same old, you didn't miss anything except Millie. Did you know she was Lando's PR manager?" I titled my face a little. I knew she would work for Mclaren but I didn't know she would be his PR manager. "I knew she would be working for him. So she's around him a lot?" Scott nodded. "Like a dog" I think it annoyed us both, but for different reasons. I liked Lando and I still think he likes Millie a lot.

We both walked in the media center and sat down in the meeting room. Our boss was here this weekend too.
"Big race this weekend so I guess we will be following every team as much as possible" my boss said. I looked at Scott. He was thinking the same thing as I did. Really useful information, as if we didn't know that ourselves.
"Avery, can you stay here for a couple of minutes? I need to talk to you" he looked at me, I just nodded as I saw how everyone was leaving.
I knew what this was about. "Avery, I know you have a close relationship with some of the drivers." He wasn't wrong but I wasn't gonna admit to that. I didn't say anything. "That has to stop" it made me laugh a little, which he obviously didn't appreciate. "What do you expect me to do? Ignore them? Walk around them? I have to follow them around, it's my job" he shook his head. "We didn't ask you to follow them into their bed" he raised his voice a little. He was right about that but I just didn't say anything.
I closed my laptop and walked away. I didn't want to have this conversation, I couldn't control who I liked.
I hated this, I hated my job sometimes. I wanted to cry, I wanted to talk to Lando, he could make me feel better but unfortunately I couldn't talk to him. Not with my boss walking around the paddock.

I walked straight passed every hospitality. Lando was sitting outside his hospitality together with his trainer and Millie.
He waved at me as he saw me but I didn't wave back, I just walked passed them.
I didn't want him to see me like this.
"Hey are you okay?" I could feel a hand on my back. Obviously it was Lando who ran up to me.
"I am fine Lando" I said as I wanted to walk away but he stopped me. Why was he making this so hard? "Yeah but you're lying. What's wrong?" I looked around, I would be in bigger problems if my boss saw this. "I just got in an argument with my boss. I am too close to some drivers" Lando rolled his eyes. "He's an idiot. We will talk about this tonight alright?" I shook my head. He didn't get it. "I can't follow you into your room" I decided not to use my boss' exact words. "No problem, I'll follow you into your room then" he winked which made me smile a little. He was such an idiot, but he could always make me feel happy again.

I didn't care about what my boss said. I was gonna cuddle and kiss him tonight.
I definitely was gonna kiss him.

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