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Lando's POV

Why did Christian want to meet this early? I wish I could've stayed with Avery a little longer but I was already too late.
He wanted to meet me in their hotel, which definitely sounded better than in my hotel. I didn't want to bump into Zak when I was meeting Christian.

I walked in their hotel and saw Christian and Helmut sitting together. They were having breakfast.
I sighed a little, Helmut definitely wasn't my favorite person but I would do my best not to show that.
"Hi Lando, thanks for joining us" Christian said as he pointed at the empty chair.
I quickly sat down and nodded at the both of them.
"You want something?" He pointed at the buffet behind him but I shook my head. I was definitely gonna grab food on my way back but I wanted to eat with Avery instead.
"Then I will come straight to business Lando, we are really interested in you" I figured that much. I nodded. "And someone said you might be free next season" I raised my eyebrow.
Where did he hear that? "Who said that?" It was probably Max, he knew that Zak wanted to drop me but I still didn't expect him to tell Christian.
"Doesn't matter" Helmut interrupted us.
I bit my lip, I really had to keep myself from replying to him. "Anyways, if you're interested then we would like to invite you to Milton Keynes so you can have a look at what we're doing" Christian explained.
Was I interested in joining them? If Mclaren really wanted to drop me then I had to make a decision soon. "I am interested and I would like to come to Milton Keynes" I said which caused them both to smile.
"I'll contact you to set up a meeting, we will have a contract ready so you can take a look at it" they definitely were eager to sign me, I wondered why.
We talked for a little while before I said my goodbyes but before leaving I grabbed some food and coffee from their buffet.
They wouldn't miss that, at all.

I quickly started to walk out of the hotel when I bumped into Max. "Lando? What are you doing here?" He looked a little surprised.
"Stealing your food" I chuckled. It was a useless question anyways because he was the one who told Christian right?
"And since when do you drink coffee?" He pointed at the coffee in my hand.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't" I said as I walked out.
I didn't have much time left before I had to go to the track and I wanted to spend some time with Avery.

I quickly walked back to my hotel and walked in my room. I put the food on the little table, Avery was still laying in bed.
I kneeled in front of her and brushed her cheek softly. "Baby?" I said softly.
She slowly opened her eyes and smiled. I loved her smile. I caressed her cheek softly. "Are you feeling any better?" She shook her head as she sat up.
"Maybe this will make you feel better" I laughed as I gave her the coffee. Her smile grew even bigger.

We spend our morning together, eating and talking. Unfortunately I had to go to the track soon.
"Wait, how was your meeting with Christian?" She asked as she was laying on my chest. "I have a meeting with them in Milton Keynes, they wanna offer me a contract" I explained. She looked excited, maybe even more than I was.
"That's good right?" She asked and I nodded.
I was kinda excited about that but I just didn't want to be the second driver forever.


"Hi sunshine, good to see you" Millie was standing next to me as soon as my trainer and I got out of the car.
"Hi Millie, did you wait for us?" I closed my car and looked at her. I never had a PR manager who waited for me in the parking lot.
"Yes because you're an idiot" she said as she grabbed her phone and put it in my hands.
It was open on an article. I quickly read through it.
Fuck. How did they already write an article about it?

@F1News: Is Lando done with Mclaren? He's been spotted having a talk with Helmut and Christian

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@F1News: Is Lando done with Mclaren? He's been spotted having a talk with Helmut and Christian.

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@user1: oh yes please come to RB
@user2: No I want him to stay
@user3: Max and Lando together in one team 👌🏼

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