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I was standing in the Mercedes garage with my crew. I figured it must be a good place to start, we could always switch garages if needed.
I looked at the screen in the garage, all the drivers were standing together for the national anthem.
The British drivers were standing in front of everyone else and I had to say, Lando looked handsome as ever.
He was probably also very nervous, I knew how much he wanted a podium or even a win here.

Not much later, the race started but unfortunately that didn't last long.
I put my hands in front of my mouth as we saw a car crash. I think time stopped for a minute, for all of us.
George jumped out of his car to check on the car that crashed. It was an Alpha Romeo. I could only imagine how his friends and family must feel like in this moment, I wish I never had to experience that with Lando.
Fortunately Zhou got out of his car and seemed fine, I was so relieved to see that.
All the cars were standing in the pitlane because the race got redflagged.
Lando got out of his car, took his helmet off and walked in his garage. He quickly looked at me and smiled. I was so happy to see he was alright.

Lando 🧡 :

Are you alright?

Yes but are you?
How are u feeling?

Fine fine
You look pretty btw
You wanna go to dinner tonight?

What if anyone sees us?
You're handsome btw

I will ask some other people too
My Quadrant people
You'll like them
You're beautiful btw

Looking forward to it
You're sexy btw

Me too!
You're perfect btw

I smiled as I put my phone away. The face was about to start again. I was definitely a bit nervous to meet his friends. I already met Max, his best friend but I wasn't sure if he actually liked me.
He also didn't know we were dating, he probably still thought we were good friends.

"I haven't seen you around much" Millie was standing next to me with a smile on her face.
"Yeah I guess we're both busy" I definitely was busy, but also with other things than just work.
"I guess, do you maybe wanna go grab a drink tonight?" I would say yes to that but I already had other plans. "I can't sorry but maybe some other time?" I didn't wanna explain to her what my plans were.
I didn't trust her completely, which was sad because she was my best friend.
"Are you hanging out with Scott?" She asked. I just shook my head.
She was clearly getting annoyed that I didn't tell her what I was gonna do, but I didn't really care.
"Text me whenever you wanna hang out" she said as she walked away. Maybe I was too harsh on her.


"I am so proud, you did amazing" I said as my hand brushed over his arm. He ended in P6, a result he wasn't too happy about but it wasn't bad either.
"Thank you, you're my lucky charm" he grabbed my hand as we were walking in the restaurant and pulled me with him.
I guess we weren't gonna keep it a secret from his friends, but if he trusted them, then I did too.

They were all already sitting at the table, we were the last one to arrive. I guess they were used to it already because no one really said anything about it.
"Hi guys, sorry we're late" Lando said with a smile on his face, but his smile got even bigger when he looked at me. "This is Avery, she's my girlfriend" they all looked at me, so I waved awkwardly. Max smirked and nodded, he probably expected it already.
We both sat down next to each other, Lando put his hand on my thigh, probably trying to comfort me.
It took a while for me to realize he actually called me his girlfriend. "So girlfriend huh?" I whispered softly, he nodded enthusiastically. "If you want to be my girlfriend of course" I tried to act as if it was the hardest decision ever but it obviously wasn't.
"Of course" I said as I pressed my lips against his.

It was an amazing evening, I had so much fun with his friends. They were all so nice to me, maybe because I was dating their boss.
"So Avery, what do you do exactly?" Ria, one of his friends, looked at me. "I work for Netflix" it was clearly not what they were expecting, except for Max who chuckled a little.
"Oh okay cool, so you guys met in the paddock" she asked with a smile. I looked at Lando who just nodded.
We definitely weren't gonna tell them we used to fuck around. I was actually excited to make love to him, we never did that before. We only had messy sex without kisses or too many touches.
I guess Lando was thinking about the same thing because he squeezed my thigh a little and kissed my cheek. "I can't wait to kiss you all over your body" he whispered.
Fuck, that definitely gave me goosebumps. I quickly put my hand on his and intertwined our fingers as I put our hands on the table.
He knew exactly why I did that, he was turning me on, but that was something for later tonight.

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