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Charles and I were on our way to Baku for the next race. He apologized many times for his behavior in Monaco. It didn't matter. I just hoped he knew that I didn't want him to lose at all.

We were sitting next to each other, both on our phones. We didn't have much to talk about lately.
He didn't trust me, I could feel that.
Especially after Monaco.
Maybe he thought I started messing around with him to get information out of him, which wasn't the truth at all.

I put my head on his shoulder. He turned his face to me and kissed the top of my head quickly.
"Are you feeling tired?" He said softly. I shrugged my shoulders. "Not really. Do you still like having me around?" Why was I being so insecure? He told me every day that I was beautiful but that wasn't the same thing. "Of course I do. Why? Do you think I don't?" We both looked at each other.
It was stupid to think he didn't like having me around but I just needed some reassurance.
"I love having you around, I love everything about you except the fact that you work for Netflix but I'll get used to that" we both chuckled a little. He definitely had to get used to that because I wasn't gonna give up my career.

"Did you really think I enjoyed watching your team fuck up?" I was hoping he wouldn't actually believe that.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I was just mad and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I am sorry" once again he apologized but he didn't answer my question at all.

@AveryReese: ✈️ BAKU

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@AveryReese: ✈️ BAKU

Liked by @MillieB, @ScottyD, @PierreGasly and 80.749 others.

@ScottyD: Fancy ride to Baku
@user1: She's living the good life rn
> @user2: she's dating charles so she's definitely living the good life.
@user3: I love your shoes 🥰


I walked in the Red Bull hospitality, I really liked it here and I liked Max too.
"Are you hungry?" I asked as I walked to Max. He quickly nodded. We both walked to a table in front of the hospitality because it was so hot.
"Are you gonna do the interviews later?" I nodded. "I am gonna do yours and Scott is gonna do Christian's" Scott actually did the interviews with the teambosses amazing. They felt more comfortable with him that with me so we decided to let him do most of the interviews.

"Explain me what's happening in team red and team orange. Where are you at?" Max asked as he started eating. I had to think about his question for a minute because I didn't understand what he was trying to ask.
But of course he didn't use his names. "I am giving team red a chance" just in that moment Lando walked passed or should I say ran passed.
For the first time in a while he didn't do a little wave or anything but maybe he just didn't see us.
"How's team orange doing?" I looked at Max, they were good friends so I knew he would know how Lando was feeling.

"The picture of Charles and you definitely broke him a little bit, but he's been better lately" I was happy to hear that and honestly I could see that too.
He was back to his smiling self lately. The Lando I liked the most.
"Can you keep a secret?" I looked at Max. He nodded. He was the only one I trusted with this.
"Mclaren wants to replace him" Max immediately chuckled.
He looked up at me and saw that I was serious. "How do you know?" I actually wasn't allowed to talk about this but I felt like I could trust Max.
"Scott's crew caught that on camera" I made sure they deleted it but maybe that wasn't smart because Lando would never believe me either.
"They love him though. Why would they want to replace him?" I saw him looking at his plate, he was thinking about what I just said.
Honestly I didn't have the answer either.


"What are you thinking about?" Charles crawled next to me in bed.
I was thinking about Lando but I couldn't tell him that. "How unbelievable handsome you are"
I turned my body to him. He looked at me with a smirk on his face.
"Oh really" his hand brushed over my cheek to my chin. He pulled my face closer to his. He clearly wanted to kiss me, but was I ready for this?

If I kissed him, I had to admit that we were more than just messing around but if I didn't kiss him, he would definitely get sick of it.

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