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Lando and I literally spend every day together. It was amazing, we got along great. I just loved being together with him so much.

This was gonna be the first day that we weren't gonna be together. He had to go to the MTC and I had to go to Milton Keynes, not to follow Max but to follow Christian. I wasn't looking forward to that at all.
"Baby I have to rush, I'm already late" Lando said as he walked in the kitchen. I was drinking my coffee as usual. He put his arm around my waist and pecked my lips quickly. "I will see you tonight?" He asked as he grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge.
I shook my head quickly. "I will fly to Austria with my crew tonight" he titled his head a little. "So I won't see you anymore?" Once again I shook my head.
I was definitely gonna miss him, we had such an amazing time but we had to go back to reality unfortunately.
"That's not fair. I am gonna miss you so much" he put the bottle down and picked me up. I quickly put my coffee down and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What are you doing?" I giggled as he put me down on the counter.
"I am gonna have sex with my beautiful girlfriend" he said as he started kissing my neck. "Lando you're late already" his hand traveled over my body as he unbuttoned my pants. "I don't care" he pulled it down a little as he nibbled on my neck. "What if Max walks in?" I mumbled.
He was very good at turning me on. "Max went to his parents for a couple of days" he mumbled.
He put his thumb on my lips and looked at me.
"Any other excuses you can come up with?" He raised his eyebrow.
I honestly had no excuses left. I shook my head and he pressed his lips against mine.
He quickly unbuttoned his pants during our kiss.

He didn't wait long to enter me, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I enjoyed to feel him inside me.
I had to admit that this was much better than a kiss to say goodbye.


A couple of hours later I arrived in Milton Keynes. My crew was following Christian and so did I until I felt my phone vibrate a couple of times.

Lando 🧡 :

I miss you
You looked so cute this morning

Oh don't I look cute every morning then?

Yes of course you do
You look beautiful every single day

I am so lucky with you
I don't deserve you

I am the lucky one
I will text u later baby
I have a meeting with Zak

Good luck
I will call u when I've landed

I quickly put my phone away and looked at Christian. He was so proud of his drivers, especially Max.
My crew was already packing their stuff, we weren't filming anymore as Christian and I were walking together. "You have a great driver pairing" I looked at him, he just nodded.
"Do you think those two are the best drivers on the grid?" Maybe I was pushing it a little bit, but I didn't care. "Don't you think so?" He was smart, he threw the ball back to me.
I had to be blunt and honest if I wanted him to be honest too. "No, I don't think so" he nodded a little. "I have to say that I admire your honesty but every great driver is already signed" so he was doubtful about his driver lineup.
"Maybe not every driver" I shrugged my shoulders but I definitely had his attention now.
He looked at me, he tried to figure out who I was talking about.
I obviously wasn't gonna tell him but he knew I had access to every hospitality and garage.
"Maybe you have to talk to him, before it's too late" I said, I put extra emphasis on the 'fore'. Four as in Lando's number.
He nodded, he obviously understood what I was trying to say.


I was sitting with my crew and Scott in the airport. We were waiting for our flight.
I was so bored, until I got a notification that Max Fewtrell was live on Twitch. I figured I could watch him while I waited.
He had a lot of viewers, even he was surprised by that but not long after, the cutest man alive walked in the stream.
Lando waved a little as he smiled at the chat. I could feel the smile on my face getting bigger.
The chat went crazy when they saw him, just as my heart.

Lando 🧡 :

Fuck that hoodie looks good on u
I want to snuggle up in your arms

Are you watching?
I definitely wish you could be in my arms tonight

Yes I am watching
You look so 😍
Are u gonna stay there tonight?

No baby
I have my flight tomorrow
And then I will be with you again
Have a safe flight

"What are you watching?" Scott looked at my phone and smirked. He definitely knew something was going on between the two of us.
"Are you finally gonna tell me?" He nudged me a little. "I don't know what you're talking about" I winked at him.
It was enough, he could read me like a book. "I am happy for you both. He's a good guy"
I nodded as I looked back at my phone. Lando looked tired but peaceful.

I couldn't wait to steal that hoodie and fall asleep in his arms.

@MaxFewtrell: Biggest stream so far, probably got nothing to do with this muppet

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@MaxFewtrell: Biggest stream so far, probably got nothing to do with this muppet.

Liked by @LandoNorris, @Quadrant, @AveryReese and 40.849 others.

@LandoNorris: But how are you meant to hold a cat?
@Kaylaaax: it was such a fun stream! Lando and the cat ohmygod
> @user1: are u guys dating?
> @user2: he was texting someone though 😍
@user3: Just like old times!
@user4: Lando pls sleep, you looked tired

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