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"Lando?" Avery was looking at me as she raised her eyebrow. Fuck, I literally imagined the whole thing. I imagined having sex with her.
I was dating Sofia, this was so wrong.
"I-I am sorry, I just wanted to thank you for being so nice to Sofia" she definitely expected me to say something else, I did too but I had to end things with Sofia before messing with her.
"Yeah of course no problem" she smiled a little.
"Anyways, enjoy your evening with Millie" she nodded but quickly wrapped her arms around me. "Good luck tomorrow Lando" I loved how easily my name rolled off her tongue.


I had a terrible evening. Sofia and I got into a fight over something as stupid as instagram.
She kept pressuring me to post a picture of us. The more she pressured me into doing that, the longer it was gonna take.

I didn't feel good at all, but I had to do interviews with my favorite person. I looked at her. She was still interviewing Zak.
"You, my friend, are very stupid" Millie was standing next to me. I looked at her. "What do you mean?" She rolled her eyes. "Having sex with Sofia as she was about to meet us. Avery definitely liked hearing that" she said a little more softly. "I didn't have sex with her. I went golfing with Carlos" Millie and I both looked at each other confused. Fuck, she definitely wanted to get under Avery's skin.
"Look Lando, I don't know what you're feeling but stop messing with her head. There is a reason why she's letting no one in" she looked at Avery. "So make your choice, Sofia or Avery but if you choose Sofia, then quit messing with Avery" she was right, I should make up my mind even though I already knew who I wanted.


I was leaning against the barrier of the truck. Once again we had to do the drivers parade.
Max was standing next to me but we were both just staring ahead.
Charles was talking to Pierre. I could hear little snippets of their conversation. "I haven't seen you around lately, what are you up to?" Pierre asked Charles. "I met a girl, she's absolutely beautiful but we're just messing around for now. She's opening up to me though" well good for him. He definitely deserved someone who made him happy.
"And a girl with a nipple piercing is definitely a turn on" he nudged Pierre laughing.
My heart dropped a little. He was talking about Avery. He was the one she was messing with.
I should've known. They were always together lately, they were both late several times and her picture in the Ferrari was quite obvious.
It was Charles who was in her room when I went to check on her.

"What ghost did you see?" Max looked at me laughing. "Charles is messing with Avery" I blurted out. Why did I tell him?
"And you are dating Sofia" he emphasized the dating part. I didn't reply, I didn't know how. He was right.
"Mate, I don't think Avery wants anything serious though. She probably can't even date drivers" he said as we were walking to the pitlane.
I didn't care if she couldn't date drivers, we could sneak around or whatever. I was more concerned about the first part, I also thought she wouldn't want anything serious but Charles said that she was opening up to him.
I guess he was doing what I should've done, wait for her to be ready.

"Is this gonna become your thing?" My engineer looked at me. I was once again daydreaming in the middle of the pitlane.
"Sorry I was daydreaming" I shook my head as I walked in the garage.
I definitely had to fix things when we were in Monaco because I knew Charles knew all the right places to take her. I couldn't let that happen.

@LandoNorris: Barcelona ✅  Next stop: MONACO!

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@LandoNorris: Barcelona ✅  Next stop: MONACO!

Liked by @SofiaGarcia, @MillieB, @Mclaren and 619.749 others.

@SofiaGarcia: ❤️
@Mclaren: Best race of the season!
@MaxFewtrell: And I will be there!!
@user1: Are you single or not its so confusing
    > @user2: he's taken
    > @user1: but he never posts about her
    > @user2: thats his choice though

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