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We flew to Miami a couple of days ago. It was definitely different from other tracks.
I walked in the paddock with Scott, we literally had to push some people away to get through them.
"Damn, this is insane" I didn't mind when it was busy but this was just something else.
"I guess there will be a lot of celebrities this weekend" he was already looking around. I rolled my eyes laughing. He was such a fanboy.
"So what are your plans for this weekend?" He asked. "Working I guess" I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really have other plans, not yet atleast.
"There is someone waiting for your attention" Scott looked at Charles. If anyone can pull off the color red, it was definitely him.

I walked up to him, he put his hand on my back and kissed my cheek.
"Hi Avery, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to meet up tonight?" Charles looked at me. I didn't really plan to mess around with him more than once but I was single so why not.
"I will text you my room number" I said quickly.
I had to admit that I had a good time with him. He nodded and rubbed my arm softly. I didn't really know why he did that but I guess it was a nice gesture.
Lando was standing outside of his hospitality. He probably saw the whole thing. I quickly waved at him but he was already walking over to me.
"I didn't know you knew Charles?" He said with it a smile on his face but I knew it bothered him a little. "Yeah we had a couple of interviews together and stuff" I tried to shrug it off.
He didn't need to know we hooked up, he was literally dating someone else so I could have a little bit of fun too.
"So what did he want now?" He asked but I didn't really want to answer that question.
"We just talked Lando. Is Sofia here this weekend?" I changed the subject. He shook his head. "No, she will come to Spain though" I guess he kinda got the hint because he stopped asking questions about Charles.
"I will see you around Lando, I have to work" I said as I pointed to my crew. They were already filming some stuff. Lando nodded and waved as he returned back to his hospitality. Okay that was definitely weird, why was he so bothered about this?


It was such a busy day, Scott was right, there was definitely a lot of media attention this weekend.
I was happy Charles asked to hang out tonight, I needed to relax a little.
I was freshening up a little as my phone went off.

Lando :

Are you free tonight?
Wanna do something else from the list?

I decided not to answer. I didn't have the time. Just as I put my phone away, there was a knock on my door. I quickly walked to the door and opened it.
"Oh hi" I said with a smile on my face. "Wow you look gorgeous" he looked at me. It definitely made me blush. "You look pretty handsome yourself" I said as I closed the door.

He actually wanted to hang out, I thought he would immediately want to hook up but he didn't. We talked about the upcoming races, my job, his future with Ferrari.
He was definitely opening up to me, I never expected that. It wasn't what I usually did with my hook ups, except for Lando maybe.

"You're so cute" he put his face against my neck and kissed it softly. "and unbelievably beautiful" he continued as he kissed my collarbone.
He took my shirt off and quickly took his shirt off as well. I could feel his body against mine. "You're perfect" he gave me little kisses between my boobs. I definitely felt a few butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
This was starting to feel like more than just a hookup.

I quickly got on top of him. I had to stop the soft kisses and sweet talk before it got too far.
His hands traveled over my body and he quickly unhooked my bra.
It was the first time he saw me completely naked. Last time was just a quick hookup, we only took off the clothes that were necessary.
He looked at my body. "Fuck" he mumbled under his breath. He put his hands on my face, he wanted to kiss me but I quickly turned my face. "No kissing" I quickly reminded him.
Just as we were about to unbutton our pants, there was a knock on the door. "Ignore it please" he almost begged. It was hot to be honest.
I ignored the knock as I took off his pants and threw it away. I could see he was ready for me.
There was another knock on the door, this time a lot louder. "For fuck sake, give me a minute" I said as I got up.

I quickly grabbed a shirt from the floor and put it on. I opened the door, fuck it was Lando. "Oh hi Lando" I quickly fixed my hair. I probably looked like a mess.
"Hi Avery, you didn't answer so I thought something was wrong but I guess you're busy" he tried to look in the room, so I closed the door a little bit. It would be so awkward if he saw an almost naked Charles laying in my bed.
"No not really, I'm just tired. Probably still a bit jetlagged." I tried to shrug it off. He nodded but I knew he didn't believe me.
"Yeah sure, then I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he turned around but he quickly stopped.
"Nice shirt by the way" he pointed at my shirt so I quickly looked down. Fuck I was wearing Charles' shirt but fortunately he wasn't wearing his team kit so it could be anyone's.

I quickly closed the door and looked at Charles.
"I think I will throw that shirt away" he chuckled. I nodded as I crawled back on top of him.
"Now where were we?" I looked down at him with a smirk on my face. He quickly took the shirt off and put his hands on my waist. "Right here" he answered with a smirk on his face.

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