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"And who is she exactly?" Millie looked at me as we both scanned our paddock passes.
"She's Lando's girlfriend" I just told her we would have drinks with her tonight but she didn't seem too excited. "I see, but why do we need to go drink with her? She stole your man" Millie knew everything. I literally told her everything about Lando and Charles, so she wasn't really a big fan of her already. "I felt bad but please don't tell her I hooked up with Lando" she nodded.
I knew she wouldn't tell her but I just wanted to make sure.

I showed her around the paddock. I never saw her this interested.
"So where are your two guys hanging out?" She chuckled a little. I pointed at the Mclaren and Ferrari hospitalities.
As if it was planned they both walked out of their hospitalities at the same time. "Now this is awkward" Millie chuckled. We were standing in the middle of the paddock.
I wanted to introduce Millie to the both of them but I didn't know who to go to first.
If I went to Lando first, it would hurt Charles, especially after our amazing evening together.
But if I introduced her to Charles first, Lando would definitely know him and I have something going on.

"Thank me later" Millie said as she walked to Lando. "Oh my God Lando, I'm such a big fan, can I have a picture together?" She grabbed her phone. Lando just nodded, he looked pretty confused. "So this is my friend Millie and I think she's a fan" I introduced her. She literally saved my life. "Oh hi, I didn't know Avery had friends" he nudged me laughing.
Sofia walked out of the hospitality as well. She probably saw us standing with him.
"Hi I'm his girlfriend Sofia" she smiled at Millie as she put her arm around Lando. "I figured. I'm Millie. I am her friend" she pointed at me and smiled. It was a fake smile, I recognized it from miles away.
"Anyway we're gonna say hi to Charles as well" I said. I wanted to get out of this awkward situation.
Lando nodded, but he didn't seem too excited.

"Thank you" I whispered at Millie as we were walking to the other side. She laughed a little.
Charles was sitting outside his hospitality. I leaned over to him and kissed his cheek quickly. "So this is my friend Millie" I introduced her again. She waved quickly. "Nice to meet you Millie, you want something to drink?" We both sat down with him. "Yeah I'm craving a strong coffee" Millie said. I could see that she already felt comfortable. Charles laughed a little and asked someone to bring two coffees. I guess he already knew that I needed a coffee as well.
"So don't you have a girlfriend to introduce?" Millie asked. I recognized that smirk on her face.
"Not yet, but then again, you already know the girl I like pretty well" I quickly took a sip from my coffee.
Millie nodded with a smile on my face while Charles winked at me.


"So we have a guy who clearly likes you but is dating someone else" Millie summarized as we were getting ready to grab drinks with Sofia. "And a guy who likes you, is single and doesn't hide the fact that he wants you" she looked at me as I was straightening my hair.
She was observing me. "I see" she said as she nodded. "What?" I looked at her. "You like Lando more" she chuckled. "No, Charles already made his way to cuddles" I shrugged my shoulders. She acted as if she impressed but I knew she didn't believe me.
"Sure sure" she laughed. "Let's go" I put my straightener down and looked at her.
I knew she wasn't really looking forward to this and I wasn't either if I was honest.

We both walked to the bar where we agreed to meet her. We literally waited 20 minutes but she still wasn't here. "I think the princess ditched us" Millie said as she took a sip from her drink.
Just in that moment she walked in and waved at us.
I smiled a little.
"Sorry girls, Lando and I were busy" she chuckled a little as she sat down.
"Doing what exactly?" Millie asked. She obviously knew what she was talking about but she just wanted to make her feel uncomfortable. "You know, Lando was in the mood" she grabbed the menu.
Millie and I both looked at each other. I definitely didn't need to know that she just had sex with Lando but she didn't know what he and I used to do.
"Behave" I mouthed at Millie. She just rolled her eyes.
This was gonna be a long evening.

@AveryReese: Why don't you just meet me in the middle?

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@AveryReese: Why don't you just meet me in the middle?

Liked by @MillieB, @CharlesLeclerc, @LandoNorris and 9.749 others.

@MillieB: ❤️
@user1: watch her wear orange to get Lando's attention lol
@user2: Love your shoes!
@user3: can we stop with the lando comments?

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