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I put my headphones on as I was walking through the paddock.
We had a change of plans, I wasn't gonna follow Mclaren this weekend, we thought it would be better if I did that in Australia. It would be Daniel's home race so we also wanted to film that.
I still decided to put one crew in their hospitality this weekend but I was gonna join the other crew.
The crew that was gonna follow Mercedes.

I walked in the media center and put my headphones down as I saw Scott sitting alone. He looked busy, he probably was going over the plan for this weekend.
"Are you gonna join the other crew?" I said as I leaned on his table. He looked up at me and nodded. "Yes I'm gonna stalk your little boyfriend" He smirked. He was obviously referring to Lando. "Daniel? Yes he's handsome" he rolled his eyes. "Did you prepare for Mercedes?" I nodded at his question. I already knew who Lewis was. I was pretty excited to follow them. Toto seemed nice as well.
Same as with Max, I wasn't gonna ask too much about last season. It didn't matter anyways.

I walked out of the media center. We weren't going to do interviews today, I just had to follow them around a little bit so it was gonna be a pretty easy day for me.
I walked to the Mercedes hospitality, which was at the other side of the Red Bull one. "Are you gonna steal another Red Bull again?" Max chuckled as he saw me. "Unfortunately I can't. I'm with them this weekend" I pointed at the Mercedes hospitality.
I was definitely gonna miss the free Red Bulls but I couldn't walk in there with one of their cans in my hand.
"Oh poor you" he laughed. Yeah they definitely didn't like each other.

I walked to my crew, they were already following George. I smiled at him. "Hi, I'm Avery. If they bother you, just come and find me" I put my hand in front of him and he quickly shook it.
"Nice to meet you. I'm George. I will definitely remember that" he chuckled but I knew he didn't mind having them around.
"Are you the one in charge?" Toto walked up to us, I nodded my head. "Yes I am, Avery" I quickly introduced myself. "We are having a meeting, you wanna join us?" I didn't expect him to be so open with us but I quickly nodded my head.
"Absolutely, that would be amazing"

Not much later we were standing in the meeting room while they were having their talks.
Their car seemed to have some problems, I guess Mclaren had the same problem.
"I am sure you'll filter the sensitive information out of it" Toto walked to me after the meeting. I nodded. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sure you'll do a great job" he patted my shoulder before walking out.
I guess we were done here, so I walked out of their hospitality.

I chuckled a little as I saw Lando walking through the paddock, followed by the other crew.
"Yeah sorry these fuckers are following me so I can't really talk" Lando said as he pointed at the Netflix crew. My crew.
"They're so annoying right?" I chuckled as I saw how the sound guy rolled his eyes.
"Yes but I will text you" he whispered as if the mic wouldn't catch that.
I didn't matter, I would make sure that they wouldn't use this.

Lando 🔥:

Sorry about that
They just won't stop following me

That's their job though
Don't say anything stupid

I'll try
Anyways are u busy tonight?

Not really

We gonna do something from our list
I'll pick you up

Sounds good!
See you tonight

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