Chapter 75

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Baozi Xishi hanged herself and caused a great commotion in Changliu Town.

In the beginning, people talked about it everywhere.

But as time went by, no one talked about it, let alone went to her home to see the place where she hanged herself.

About six or seven days later, Zhang Mingyuan dragged someone to send a message, saying that the matter of the county school had been settled, and Liu Yimian was asked to start preparations.

This incident made Ji Wei very happy, as excited as if he was going to take a child who was admitted to college to school. The shop on North Street was also left behind, and I took Liu Yimian to wander around the street every day, thinking that this was also important, and that was also necessary, so I bought a lot of things.

Really waited until the day of the road, a full ox cart was piled up, and people had to sit on the back of the ox and bumped all the way to Daxi Town.

It's fine if it's a short trip, the two of them took the ride together for more than an hour, and when they arrived at the county school, they were already dizzy from the bumps, and it took a long time to recover.

"Come on, get off." Ji Wei stood beside the ox cart, grabbed Liu Yimian's outstretched hand, and helped him jump off the ox cart.

Due to sitting for a long time, Liu Yimian's legs were already a little numb. When he landed, his calf softened and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Ji Wei supported his waist in time.

"Move your legs and feet, you have to move after sitting for a long time."

Ji Wei's body was uncomfortable, twisted his neck, stretched his waist, and moved the things behind the ox cart to the ground one by one.

It's not the enrollment season at this time, and it's almost unheard of for people to take such trouble to move things to the academy. In addition to looking at the bedding and blankets, it is clear that he must be a student who has just moved to the county school building.

"Hey face?"

"Ziyu, have you seen this person?"

"I can assure you, this person is a new student, I've never seen it before!" "I'm

afraid the whole house has been moved here?"

The passing students whispered to each other with faces. They couldn't hide their curiosity, and even laughter drifted over from time to time and reached the ears of the two of them.

"Don't worry about them." Seeing Liu Yimian's eyes following the students, Ji Wei thought he cared about their words, but Liu Yimian's eyes were shining brightly, and he said excitedly: "Brother Ji, I, I have always been envious They, now I study in the county school with them, is this a dream?"

"It's not a dream, it's real." Ji Wei smiled.

"Then pinch me, pinch me!" Liu Yimian hugged Ji Wei's arm, and slapped it on her face, her eyes were so expectant that Ji Wei couldn't bear to refuse, so she had to pinch me perfunctorily, without using much force.

But even if it was just a light pinch, it still left a red mark on Liu Yimian's white and tender skin.

"Does it hurt?"

Liu Yimian pinched hard again, sticking out her tongue @头 in pain, "No pain, no pain." At the end, she rubbed her cheeks again, obviously she had exerted too much force, "It's still a little bit It hurts."

But this didn't dampen Liu Yimian's excitement, he rolled his eyes with joy, and went to the car to drag the bedding. The quilt was rolled together, heavy and bulky, Liu Yimian was standing under the car, the thing was half a head taller than him, and it took some effort to move it.

Ji Wei stretched out his long arms to remove the bedding for him, flicked Liu Yimian's head and said with a smile: "You have small arms and legs, just wait here. I will help you move these big things into the school building first."

Although the head of the mountain agreed to let Liu Yimian go to school and allocated him a school building, both of them came back to the county school for the first time, so it was not at all clear where the school building was located. Ji Wei carried the bedclothes on his shoulders, and after entering the gate, he stopped a student from the side of the road, took out the letter that Zhang Mingyuan handed over from his arms, "Excuse me , how can

I get to the school building?"

Looks like four or five years old. Seeing the tall and mighty man who stopped his life, who can lift the bed with one hand, and still has the strength to spare, he was surprised at first, and then couldn't help asking: "Aren't you a student of the academy?" Ji Wei

picked Eyebrow, "Isn't it like?"

The student looked at Ji Wei's arm exposed by rolling up his sleeves, with strong muscles, and kept shaking his head, "It's not like, a scholar has no strength to restrain a chicken, how can he be as strong as you."

Ji Wei smiled, didn't answer the topic, and repeated the question again.

The student was probably also a little embarrassed, scratched the back of his head, and pointed him in a direction, "Here, go straight to the west, and when you see a bamboo forest, the wooden house next to it will be the school building." "Thank you." Ji

Wei Saying goodbye to the students, I strode towards the west.

The student looked behind him a few times, thought to himself strange, shook his head and left.

The county school academy is not considered big, but it includes a back mountain and a lotus pond, together with the school building and the school hall, it is more than enough to accommodate a hundred students.

After walking for half an hour, Ji Wei saw the wooden house under the shadow of the bamboo forest. There are two buildings in total, standing side by side, with an aisle in the middle, paved with cobblestone paths, leading to the bamboo forest behind.

The wooden house is divided into upper and lower floors, with five rooms on each floor. A lot of stone tables and benches were set up in the open space in front, and young people in literati uniforms were sitting in twos and threes, playing chess, talking, or reciting books, which was quite lively.

When Ji Weiyi appeared, someone saw him.

"Newcomer, newcomer, come and see!" A certain student with his hands behind his back, reciting a book, waved excitedly to his companion.

He had a loud voice, and the previously closed doors of the two school buildings behind him opened suddenly, and many people walked out with novelty on their faces.

"Where is the new guy?"

"I've been here for more than a month, and I haven't seen the new guy yet."

"I wish I could have a roommate!"

They obviously saw Ji Wei, and they were clamoring for him just now. The new roommate fell silent all of a sudden, the expression on his face was so exciting.

"I'm used to living alone, so let me let you!"

"No, no, it's good to live alone." "

Anyway, there are still vacant rooms, so it must be better to live alone."

The rent of each room in the school building is one yuan per month. The environment is quiet and you can borrow books from the academy collection at any time. Many students from well-to-do families choose to live in the school building.

However, there are no more than a hundred students in the college, and there are not one out of ten who are from decent families. Some students who came to the county school from other towns could not afford a single-person school building and had nowhere to go, so they shared the rent with each other and lived in a room with two or three people. Although it seemed a bit crowded, it was still a good place A good idea.

Therefore, many people were very excited when they heard that there was a newcomer. But when he saw Ji Wei's strong and mighty body, his excitement instantly withered away.

It is common for students to quarrel, if the other party is several times stronger than themselves, what should they do if they can't fight? So no one wants to be in the same room with such a person.

"Excuse me, which room is 'Green Bamboo'?" Ji Wei asked with a smile as he stood beside the student who suddenly stopped chatting at a table, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Green, green bamboo, it's the third room from the left over there." The weaker student shivered, pointing to the wooden house on the left.

"Thank you."

Each school building has its own name. Standing in front of the green bamboo, Ji Wei poured the key out of the envelope, opened the door, and a musty smell that hadn't been seen for a long time rushed towards him.

He waved his hand to dispel the smell, went into the room and opened the window to ventilate, wiped the bed with a cloth, spread the bedding, turned around and was startled by the crowd of heads at the door.

"I don't know what to call Xiongtai?" Xu Yao looked disdainfully at the classmates who shrank their heads, pushed aside the crowd, and walked into the room with his head held high.

"Ji Wei."

"Brother Ji - what! You are that Ji Wei!?"

Xu Yao's calm tone suddenly split, and his eyes almost popped out in surprise, "You, you, you, you are really that one The Ji Wei printed on the Mingjing stage? The one who makes moon cakes?"

Ji Wei, who didn't regard himself as a celebrity at all, groaned belatedly, nodded and said: "Yes, there should be no second Ji Wei. "

Xu Yao was dazed and stunned there, then suddenly turned around and knocked away the people who blocked him, ran to the open space, and shouted with both hands in the shape of a trumpet: "Ji Wei—the one who sells mooncakes—come to our academy I'm studying——"

"That..." Ji Wei covered his forehead, feeling a little headache.

The effect of Xu Yao's shouting was immediate, only a few bangs of the door being opened, and the sound of running upstairs, and people shouted all around, wanting to come and see this supernatural Ji Wei .

It didn't take long for the door to be crowded with more than a dozen or twenty people, and their young faces were full of excitement and curiosity.

"Hey, this is the guy!"

"He looks different from what I imagined."

"He's so tall and strong, he won't reject me if he has trouble moving things in the future, right?" "

I don't know if he brought mooncakes, okay? I want to eat and eat."

Lin Tai was sleeping in the house before, but he was so pissed by the commotion, when he rushed out of the house, he saw a group of people standing next door, he hooked Xu Yao's shoulder in confusion, and pulled him away. Pulled aside cleanly, asked him what happened.

"Don't you know yet? Ji Wei, who sells mooncakes, has moved to the next door to Luzhu, so he is in the same room as you!" Xu Yao excitedly said.

Both of them have eaten moon cakes, and Xu Yao's family is very good, only slightly worse than Lin Tai.

Although the hardcover mooncake gift box was not eaten, the snowy mooncakes were eaten with open belly. Therefore, I am 120% curious about Ji Wei.

How can you not be excited to see a real person now?

Xu Yao broke away from Lin Tai's arm, "Go, go, I still have a lot to ask Ji Wei."

Lin Tai stroked his chin thoughtfully, and murmured, "Are you sure it's really Ji Wei who came to study?" Xu

Yao hadn't gone far, didn't hear clearly, turned around and asked him, "What did you say?" "

I heard that Ji Wei was in his early twenties, long past the age of admission, I guess he is not the one who wants to enroll , don't get too excited." Lin Tai overtook Xu Yao maturely, stood by the crowd, cleared his throat—

"Let, one, one!"

He shouted loudly, covering everyone's voices at once.

All the students calmed down and calmed down. They seemed to feel that they were a little embarrassed just now, so they kept silent, and some even took a few steps back secretly to avoid it.

"Isn't it you who came to study?" Lin Tai walked around Ji Wei twice, and finally stood still.

Ji Wei didn't know Lin Tai, and didn't know what he meant when he came, so he didn't respond.

"If I'm not wrong, it should belong to your family—" Lin Tai glanced at Ji Wei's expression, and suddenly clapped his hands happily, "That's even better, and I'm sure we'll be able to eat mooncakes every now and then." "Huh

? "Ji Wei couldn't help being puzzled.

"People are not here, and everything is not complete. Have you moved in yet?" Lin Tai narrowed his eyes with a smile, hooked Ji Wei's shoulders chicly, and said happily, "Let's go, let me help you carry it together." Go!"

- If you ignore him struggling to stand on tiptoe and trying to hook Ji Wei's shoulders who are half a head taller than him, it really seems like a good brother for many years.

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