Chapter 67

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Daxi Town, outside the county school.

"Thank you, Brother Tian, ​​just send it here." Wen Xuan jumped off the bullock cart, and bowed slightly to Brother Tian gratefully.

The two big men saw that Wenxuan was a scholar, and took good care of him along the way. Wenxuan didn't even let Wenxuan catch up with the car, so he was asked to sit on the side to rest.

If you go to Baisha Town, you don't pass the county school. If you want to go to the county school, you have to turn a special road. The purpose of giving mooncakes is to see who can deliver them quickly and who can earn more. For the sake of publicity, the other party sent him to the gate of the county school, which can be regarded as a rare considerate care.

Wenxuan is very grateful.

"It's nothing, it's a small matter!" Brother Tian waved his hand, telling Wenxuan not to be so polite, "You can't carry these, or I'll carry them for you?" Wenxuan Road told them that they came to the county school to find Ji

Baoshan .

I didn't see him at this time, if he got out of the car, he would not be able to carry so many moon cakes back and forth looking for someone by himself. After thinking about it, I still can only apologize for bothering the two big brothers.

"I'll go in and find my friends. The two big brothers will wait a little longer, and I'll come out right away, okay?" Wen Xuan was very nervous, a little afraid that the two would not agree.

"Then you go early and come back early, we'll wait here."

After lunch, it was Shen Shi from Changliu Town to Daxi Town.

In two hours, the sun will set.

So for the three of them, every moment counts.

Wenxuan didn't dare to delay any longer, turned around and ran quickly.

After all, he had been in the county school for two years, so he had a good idea of ​​where Ji Baoshan would be at this time.

At this time, in the lecture hall, there was a middle-aged thin man standing in front of the stage, holding a book in his hand and explaining the theory.

Wen Xuan stood by the window, a little anxious.

Not daring to disturb the teacher's lecture, he caught a glimpse of Lin Tai sitting near the back door of the lecture hall from the corner of the eye, slipped to the back door immediately, and whispered his name from outside the door.

Holding the book in his hand, Lin Tai stood upright on the table, hiding his head behind the book, stuffing cookies into his mouth. Hearing someone calling him, he thought he was noticed by his husband, so he packed up his things in a panic, chewed a few times and swallowed the unchewed cookie, scratching his throat really uncomfortable.

As a result, he scanned around nervously, but the husband was still far away from him, and his brows suddenly frowned, not knowing why.

Seeing that he didn't notice him, Wenxuan outside the door was very anxious.

"Lin Tai! It's me, Wenxuan! It's by the door, look behind!" Wenxuan said louder, and Lin Tai finally noticed it.

He stared at Wenxuan at the door, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost during the day, and mouthed to him, "Why are you here!"

Wenxuan pointed to Ji Baoshan who was several places away, and gestured , Lin Tai suddenly realized that he came to find Ji Baoshan. Immediately wrote a few big characters, crumpled the paper up, and when the husband wasn't paying attention, he threw it at Ji Baoshan, hitting the back of his head.

"Who is it!" Ji Baoshan listened to the class carefully, and suddenly he was hit with a ball of paper, and exclaimed.

The gentleman with his back to them snorted. He quickly bent down, picked up the ball of paper and unfolded it. After a cursory glance, he turned his head subconsciously, and saw Wenxuan by the door greeting him.

"Come here." Wen Xuan mouthed Ji Baoshan.

The two had known each other for a long time, and Ji Baoshan knew that Wenxuan would not suddenly appear here if there was no urgent matter, and he would be called away from class.

If a friend has something to do, Ji Baoshan is of course obliged.

I found a reason to tell my husband that I had a stomachache, packed up my books and slipped out through the back door of the lecture hall, asking Wenxuan what he was doing here.

After all, it was announced earlier that the cookies will be sold by Lin Tai's father, and he will not come to the academy to sell cookies in the future.

"I'm here to work to earn money, and I want to ask if you want to join me."

Seeing Ji Baoshan's interested expression, Wenxuan explained the distribution of mooncakes, and dragged him towards the gate of the academy.

"There is such a good thing! If you are tired, be tired, what are you afraid of!" Ji Baoshan was very angry when he heard @热, and also disliked Wenxuan's slow walking, so he took his arm and trotted towards the door.

"Those of us from poor families have never suffered any hardships or endured any tiredness. We are afraid that we will have no money to earn and no books to study. If I also quit the county school, I am afraid I will never be able to pick up books again." Ji Baoshan

Xuxu Chattering with Wenxuan about commonplace things.

Wen Xuan followed behind him quietly, echoing a few words from time to time.

The speed of the two was fast, and it only took two quarters of an hour before and after.

Ji Baoshan gasped when he saw a row of mooncake gift boxes neatly arranged behind the ox cart.

He had heard about the price of this moon cake, two boxes of one tael of silver! At this moment, there are dozens of taels behind the bullock cart!

Ji Baoshan's eyes lit up, he yelled and threw himself in front of the bullock cart, startling Tian Ge, a simple man, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to push Ji Baoshan.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is my friend, here to help."

"The things in this car are worth a lot of money, I can't control it." The man scratched his head in embarrassment, and Ji Baoshan quickly apologized.

In order not to delay the two going to Baisha Town, Ji Baoshan and Wenxuan moved the mooncake gift box out of the car non-stop, and watched the ox cart go away.

"Then what should we do now?" Ji Baoshan asked.

"Let me take a look at the list." Wenxuan took out the list with his name written on it, and Ji Wei deliberately assigned all the orders from the county school to him, which was also to take care of him.

There were nine orders for the students in the academy alone. Wen Xuan and Ji Baoshan looked at each other, and the two of them carried the Liu box at a time, and took turns to deliver the mooncakes.

By the time the deliveries in the academy were finished, the mooncake gift box had already lost nearly half of it.

Ji Baoshan copied half of the list and shared the mooncakes with Wenxuan.

After all, the two didn't have any mobile tools, so they couldn't run around carrying a lot of mooncakes, so they used the county school as their base.

Fortunately, Lin Tai's family is well-off, and he has a single room in the county school building, and he lives alone. Just store the moon cakes in Lin Tai's room, and Lin Tai will keep them on his behalf.

The two had no worries about the future, and then rushed to deliver in different directions.

Fortunately, people who can order moon cakes are quite well-off, and they live not too far away. Delivery is also convenient.

The two sent mooncakes until it was almost dark, and finally finished the mooncakes.

"Have you finished delivery?" Ji Baoshan arrived at Lin Tai's school building earlier than Wenxuan, and was sitting on a stool, fanning himself with a book.

In normal times, he would never do such disrespectful things. In fact, he gave away mooncakes all afternoon, and traveled halfway to Daxi Town, and he was so tired that he couldn't care about it at all.

Even though he was wearing an underwear underneath, his back was soaked with sweat.

If it wasn't for counting the money with Wenxuan, Ji Baoshan would have gone straight home to take a shower and change clothes.

When Wenxuan walked in, he didn't even have the strength to speak, so he held on to the door frame, with only the strength left to breathe.

He has been living in poverty, and he has not eaten anything good. It is the time when he grows up, and he eats porridge and side dishes, two meals a day. He looks so thin that he will be blown down by a gust of wind.

Coupled with the poisonous summer sun, he suffered from sunstroke after delivering a few orders, and almost fell to the ground. If it weren't for the fact that there happened to be a sugar shop nearby, he drank a bowl of iced mung bean soup and rested for a while, he might not be able to recover.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Tai saw that Wenxuan's condition was wrong at a glance, jumped off the bed, poured a glass of cold water and handed it to Wenxuan, "Isn't it heat stroke?"

Wenxuan drank the water, and stood still for a while.

Sweat dripped down his forehead like water, he was a little weak and couldn't stand up. There were no extra stools in the room, so Lin Tai leaned on the wall and sat down on the spot for fear of soiling Lin Tai's bed.

"Hey, what are you doing sitting on the ground? It's so dirty." Lin Tai stretched out his hand to pull Wenxuan, but the latter shook his head and said weakly, "It's cool on the ground.

" Before Wenxuan came to the academy to sell cookies, Ji Baoshan and Wenxuan were not close to him, but after buying and selling cookies more often, they gradually got to know each other.

He has a good family background and has never been wronged by money since he was a child.

Seeing Ji Baoshan and Wenxuan running around for his monthly money for a few days, he suddenly felt that his life was really happy.

"Hey, I still have some cookies here, do you want to eat?" Lin Tai handed the two of them a small half-pack of cookies, and Ji Baoshan thanked them and took a piece.

Lin Tai glared at him, "Get a few more yuan, and there is also a document, don't just take yours."

"Thank you."

"Thank you, it's not expensive."

Now that Lin Tai's family is helping Ji Wei sell cookies, Lin Tai can eat as much as he wants. Every time he went home, he would bring a big bag to school as a snack. Li Yaozu doted on him and didn't say much.

"Baoshan, let's settle the accounts." Wenxuan untied the money bag tightly tied to his body, poured out the silver, and piled up a small pile of money.

Ji Baoshan responded and fell down on the table.

Lin Tai stood on the side, when he saw the money, even he stared straight.

He had never seen so much money in his life.

"Is this all sold today?" Lin Tai squatted beside Wenxuan, watching him count the money, envious in his heart.

"Mr. Ji said that these are final payments. The deposit has already been collected first." Wen Xuan counted back and forth twice, and reconciled with Ji Baoshan.

"It's thirty-six taels in total, that's right." Wen Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, and his tense mind finally relaxed.

Lin Tai clicked his tongue, "The final payment is more than thirty taels, so the full amount is not seventy or eighty taels of silver?"

Ji Baoshan can't compare with Wenxuan's family, Lin Tai is so big, and he has never even touched a tael of silver. Pass. All of a sudden, he was burdened with a huge sum of money, even if it wasn't theirs, he was a little excited.

"In my life, I'm afraid I won't be able to have so much money again." Ji Baoshan murmured with the money in his hands.

"If you can pass the examination to become an official, there is still hope."

Ji Baoshan glanced at Lin Tai, smiled wryly, "I am satisfied if I can be admitted as a scholar, how dare I expect to be an official."

"There must be a goal to be motivated." Lin Tai said with a smile.

"It's getting late, I have to go back to Changliu Town, let's go first." Wenxuan got up from the ground, stood too violently, and was a little swaying.

Lin Tai hurriedly supported him, dragged him to sit on the edge of the bed, "No, no, you are already like this, how can you go back, just stay with me for a night, and leave tomorrow after resting." Wenxuan shook his head,

" No, Mr. Ji is still waiting for me to send the money back."

"If that Mr. Ji is really as good as you said, he will definitely understand you when he knows what you look like tomorrow." Lin Tai said unhappily, " My father said, Ji Wei is a big deal this time, and he won't bother with you about such small things."


"No, but, it will take more than an hour for you to walk back now. You have so many things on you. Yinzi, if someone robs you while walking at night—" Lin Tai dragged out the tune, which made Wen Xuan's heart tremble.

As he said, if this is the case, Wenxuan may be lost forever.

He hesitated, but nodded in agreement.


It was getting dark, Brother Tian and his two returned from Baisha Town with an ox cart. He was not familiar with Baisha Town, and the two of them were slow to send it off. Later, it took a lot of time to find the agreed place, and when they came back, they were delayed, and they kept apologizing to Ji Wei.

Ji Wei didn't pay much attention to it, and paid him the wages, asking him to come back tomorrow.

"Has the young man come back?" Brother Tian stood at the door and poked his head towards the back of the shop, but Wen Xuan was nowhere to be seen.

On the way back, he thought about going around the county school, but another person rushed back, saying that it was already dark, and he might have left long ago, so Brother Tian didn't insist.

"Is it Wenxuan? You haven't come back yet."

In the morning, he rushed to pack the mooncakes, and in the afternoon he was busy with sales promotion. Ji Wei had been busy all day, so he was supposed to go back to eat at this point.

But he was afraid that the three people who had gone to other towns would come back and could not find him, so he waited here hungry.

Now two of them have come back, and Wenxuan is still missing. Ji Wei has a premonition that Wenxuan will not come back today.

Not to mention that the list of mooncakes he took away was almost 1.5 times that of Brother Tian and the two, and besides, it was already dark and he didn't even have an ox cart, so he didn't know how long it would take to get back.

Ji Wei thought for a while, and didn't wait for Wenxuan, so she closed the shop and went to eat noodles at Zheng Yinghong's noodle shop next door.

"Boss Ji, is the store closed so early?" Zheng Yinghong also just finished her meal, ordered a bowl of beef noodle, and sat at the door with the bowl to eat.

Seeing Ji Wei enter the store, he quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks, and got up to entertain him.

"What do you want to eat? Pork is sold out, and only mutton is left. Would you like some?"

"Is there any beef?"

"Boss Ji was joking." Zheng Yinghong really thought that Ji Wei was joking, after all, whoever cheers has beef , those are all serious things, which shows that this family is living a good life.

Some people still offer cattle as ancestors. Except for natural dead cattle, almost no one slaughters live cattle to eat meat.

One is that no one does it, and the other is that it is expensive.

"Look, I was joking with you, and you discovered it." Zheng Yinghong's expression was not right, Ji Wei immediately thought of this, and smiled and replaced beef with mutton.

"There's still a lot of mutton, but it's a bit expensive, and not many people buy it. Just wait." After Zheng Yinghong ate the noodles and drank the noodle soup, she went to the chopping board and sprinkled a handful of flour on the table.

All the noodles in the store are made to order. From ordering to collecting money, only Zheng Yinghong is busy. Fortunately, the business in the store was very busy, otherwise she would not be able to support it by herself.

Zheng Yinghong moved nimbly, and quickly pulled three taels of noodles, put them in boiling water, poured them into a clean empty bowl when they were cooked, added two tablespoons of mutton, and finally sprinkled a handful of minced green onions.

"Here, your mutton noodles."

A bowl of noodles comes standard with three liang of noodles, one spoonful of meat, and two spoonfuls of soup.

But seeing that Ji Wei is a nice person and gave her mooncakes for free, Zheng Yinghong couldn't help but you were willing to put two spoonfuls of meat. Covering the noodles tightly, I have to say that the mutton noodles are really real.

The meat has been simmered on low heat for most of the day, and the bones and mutton have been stewed until crispy. You only need to pick it up with chopsticks, and the flesh and bones will automatically separate. The mutton has its own smell of mutton, but with the addition of rice wine and a lot of ginger slices, there are a lot of goji berries floating on the soup surface, and after the heat is smoked, the intoxicating aroma rushes into the nose.

As expected of a noodle shop that has been open for six years, Zheng Yinghong made it quickly, and the noodles looked good too. The thickness is the same, the strength is soft and tough, and with the hot mutton soup, Ji Wei broke out in a hot sweat after eating it.

He ate very well, and shouted "Hello", Zheng Yinghong's eyes were amused by his appearance, and he giggled.

"It's so polite, how can it be so delicious."

"In the future, you don't have to go back for lunch, just come to the proprietress." Ji Wei asked the price, counted out ten copper coins from his body, put them on the table, and when he was about to go out , Thinking of Wenxuan.

"Miss Boss, if you see a scholar at night—the one I brought this morning, tell him to come back, I'll go back."


Ji Wei left the noodle shop and left. Zheng Yinghong felt that the restaurant was hot, so she moved a stool and sat in front of the shop. When she closed the stall, she didn't see the scholar Ji Wei said, but seven or eight young people who wanted to buy snowy mooncakes came and returned disappointed when they heard that the shop was closed.

Zheng Yinghong couldn't help thinking, how about she also buy some to go back to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?

The author has something to say: my friend's egg yolk cakes arrived in the morning, and I told me to order two more boxes hhhhh I'm so guilty

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