Chapter 18

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It's been a long time since I saw Baozi Xishi on the street. The first time I saw her appear, the vendors all greeted her one after another. But Baozi Xishi, who is usually quite enthusiastic, looks extremely abnormal today.

She wrapped half of her face with a turban, and she was also dressed tightly, not even a bit of skin was exposed on her neck. Pushing the cart like a thief came to the place where buns are usually sold.

She didn't come for a few days, and the geomantic treasure had already been occupied by another person. She is also a woman, but she is a lot bigger than her. She is sitting on a chair and selling vegetables. When she sees Baozi Xi Shi, she is not guilty at all. She faces her directly and gives her a rude look, "Look What do you see, come first and then come first, don't you know?"

If eyes could kill, that strong woman would have been killed by Baozi Xishi a hundred and eighty times.

It's a pity that the other party has a thick skin and doesn't take her seriously at all. Baozi Xishi gritted her teeth, walked to the stall next door, and said softly: " Brother Li

, can you move to the side, I don't need much space."

She always finds excuses to talk to her and get close to her. It was so easy for her to ask herself, but there was no reason why she would not, so she immediately moved to the side with the things on the stall.

It's just that the space is not big enough, Baozi Xishi pleaded softly one by one, and finally made a half-sized space for her and the cart.

"These days @你怎么不出展商? Could it be that you are sick?" Brother Li looked at Baozi Xishi with concern, and marveled at her outfit, "Still dressed in such a strange way?"

Baozi Xishi sighed softly, "A few days ago Occasionally, I felt cold, and stayed at home for a few days. I haven't recovered yet, and I'm afraid I'll get sick again, so I had to dress tighter." While speaking, a gust of warm wind blew, and she reached out and pulled the gauze around her neck again, as if Fear of being blown off by the wind.

As soon as she was free, she couldn't help but cast her eyes to the opposite street.

In the beginning, Ji Wei was hiding in a corner selling pancakes, but as his business became more and more prosperous, vendors were scrambling to do business beside him. Not only do you not have to worry about being robbed of the business by him, sometimes customers will buy something next door, which is all profitable.

Therefore, he has gradually moved from the corner to the center of the street. There were many people gathered around, and the lively yelling could be heard clearly after ten steps.

Li Ge followed Baozi Xi Shi, snorted, and said jealously: "At first I thought that guy was just a whim, but he gave up after a few days. I didn't expect him to make it." A person beside him sighed:

" At least I didn't ask us for money, and I can save hundreds of Wen in a month."

This is true, and the street vendors who were complaining before are now looking away. Although he was very jealous, he didn't dare to confront Ji Wei head-on, that is, he muttered a few times behind his back.

Only Baozi Xishi, because of Liu Qing, she had a rift with Ji Wei, and the two have been at odds for a long time. She was slandered by her words on the street last time, causing her to be tortured by Liu Qing@ on the bed, with bruises all over her body, and she dared not go out for several days.

Baozi Xishi stretched out her hand to touch @the forehead, there was also a very obvious bruise there, which was knocked out by her on the head of the bed.

If Liu Qing hadn't let go of his cruel words, Ji Wei would definitely be unable to get out of bed in March, and Baozi Xishi might have the heart to die with him with a knife.

She gritted her teeth and sneered, "Let him laugh for a few more days."

Li Geqi said: "How do you say that?"

Baozi Xishi said softly: "Since he dares to insult me, he should be prepared to bear the consequences. He Ji Wei smiled In a few days, I will make him cry and beg me for forgiveness."

After she said the harsh words, even though Li Ge was puzzled, she stopped talking, opened the steamer on the stall, and started to sell and sell.

It's just that after half a morning, the business is not as good as before, and the total profit is only ten or twenty coins.

Baozi Xishi put this account on Ji Wei's head again, and counted the time with his fingers.

Brother Qing clearly promised to come today...

She stretched her neck and looked around, but she couldn't see the burly figure.

A circle of people stood around Ji Wei's booth, all holding copper coins in their hands and clamoring to fill the pancakes.

Some are bought to eat by themselves, and some are bought to take home and eat at home.

In short, there were more than ten or twenty people crowded together, and Ji Wei was so busy that he was sweating profusely, shouting for them to line up.

Although it is still messy, it is much better than it was at the beginning.

At least there were no embarrassing incidents like crowding people and almost knocking over the cart.

Ji Wei was busy frying 5 pieces of pancakes at the same time, when someone suddenly shouted: "They're here—"

Then the people in line suddenly became confused.

The people who were still full just now dispersed and ran away in an instant.

There are still a few who paid the money and haven't left, but they all hide behind Ji Wei, not daring to stand on the street anymore, for fear of being targeted by that group of people and being taken advantage of.

Fresh air rushed in instantly, Ji Wei took a deep breath before looking up.

Not far away, three tall and fierce men walked towards this with their arms swung.

Although he hasn't come to him yet, Ji Weixin has already sunk.

The leader is Liu Qing, so it goes without saying that he must have come to look for him.

Reminiscent of Baozi Xishi disappearing for several days, it is obvious that now it is time to settle accounts.

He frowned, but still quickly fried a few pieces of cakes, and before he had time to fill them with eggs, he handed the cakes to the waiting people, confiscated their money, and let them leave.

Although the money is not earned, it is better than wasting it for a while.

After all the guests had left, Ji Wei's body relaxed a little. He tore off the apron made by Liu Yimian, wiped off the oil on his hands, and looked at Liu Qing and the others with folded arms.

"It seems that the previous attack was too light, and in a few days, you can be a monster again?" The man behind Liu Qing laughed, but there was a scar at the corner of his eye, and his smile was very ferocious.

What was this person's original name, Ji Wei didn't quite know.

After all, he has a normal relationship with Liu Qing and others, and he only knows that everyone calls him Li Erscar.

Ji Wei also knew the person next to him, his name was Lin Qing.

Both of these two are lackeys under Liu Qing's subordinates, and they always follow him to do their best, and they are regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope.

Ji Wei knew that they would come to settle accounts with him, but he didn't expect that it was later than expected.

He was not afraid of them.

"What are the three of you doing?" Ji Wei looked at Liu Qing with a half-smile, "If you're here to buy pancakes, you'll be charged two cents a piece. If you're not here to buy pancakes, I'm sorry I don't have time to entertain you, please Leave."

"Pretend to be dead! You don't know why the three of us are here?" Li Erba took two steps forward, and slapped the cart with his big palm.

Although the cart is large, it is not as strong as furniture such as tables and chairs.

After being slapped hard by this palm, the pots and pans on top jumped and shook violently.

"If you have something to say, please don't blame me for being rude!"

The clay figurine was still angry, and Ji Wei had never been a patient person. He looked at the three of them coldly and said in a deep voice.

Lin Qing stopped Li Erba who was about to make a move, "I'm here, Li Er, you back off."

Lin Qing was obviously much shorter than Li Erba and Liu Qing, and his body was not very strong, but Li Erma But Scar listened to him very much, stared at Ji Wei unwillingly, stepped back a few steps, and made room for Lin Qing.

"We are here today for two reasons. One is public and the other is private."

Ji Wei laughed, "What business can I have with you?"

"The Qinglong Gang holds the Qinglong meeting every half a month, but this month you But he was absent for no reason. Do you know how embarrassing it is for Boss Sun?" Lin Qing said in a low voice, but he asked every word, but he was not weak. It's no big deal, let's not talk about life and death, even such a big gang thing, if you have something to say, it's fine, we are brothers and can understand you."

Lin Qing paused, looking at Ji Wei, his eyes became sharper.

"But you would rather do some cheap business on the street than attend the meeting. Boss Sun has already let you know that if you don't give a reason, you will be expelled from the gang!" Boss Sun is from the branch of the Qinglong Gang in Changliu

Town The eldest, whose surname is Sun, has a single name of Hong. He is very affectionate and not unreasonable.

Ji Wei read it word by word, "Low business?" Then he laughed loudly, "Then you collect protection money from ordinary people in the street, is it noble and just, worthy of praise?" Lin Qing looked at him coldly, "Ji Wei,

you Don't forget, you were also one of us back then, and this street is full of ordinary people who have been tortured by you."

"But now that I've reformed myself, I've come to my senses, so naturally I can't be the same as you." Ji Wei said so firmly and forcefully that all the people around heard it clearly, and they all sweated for him.

The reason why everyone tolerates Ji Wei is because he is indeed a bully and not easy to mess with. The second is for the gangs behind him that spread all over the nearby towns. Even if they provoke Ji Wei, they can't help the Qinglong gang.

What else can I do, I can only bear it!

But this time Ji Wei dared to openly say that he would withdraw from the Qinglong Gang, it's not because of their collusion!

What audacity!

"You really betrayed the gang as rumored!" Lin Qing clenched his fists and glared.


Liu Qing laughed loudly and clapped his hands, "I, Liu Qing, respect you today as a hero! How dare you say harsh words in front of so many people." "That's wrong.


Ji Wei retorted : "If it was before January, it could still be called treason. But before, it was clearly Liu Qing who asked you to beat me to death in the name of eradicating gang cancer. If it wasn't for my life, Ji Wei, and my family to look after me, I'm afraid I'll die long ago, how can I stand here and listen to you talking about me as a traitor to Ji Wei?"

Liu Qing and others wanted to say more, but Ji Wei didn't give them a chance, "As soon as I opened my eyes again, The former Ji Wei was beaten to death by you and expelled from the gang. Now Ji Wei will live a good life and have nothing to do with you!" "

With your words, we brothers can feel at ease." Li Er Scar grinned grimly, kept pinching his knuckles, making crackling noises, stepped forward step by step, and blocked Ji Wei's way with Lin Qing on the left and right.

Liu Qing stretched out his hand and put it under Ji Wei's nose, "Bring it here."


"Don't pretend to be stupid, protection fee!"

Ji Wei sneered, "The county magistrate can protect me, and the subordinates have hands and feet to fend off the enemy. Why do you need to pay the protection fee and ask you to protect me?" "Okay! Okay! Okay

! "

Liu Qing said three good things in a row, waved at Lin Qing and Li Erba, and said fiercely: "Hit me to death!"

After finishing speaking, he spat thick phlegm on the ground, "I Liu Qing's woman is something you dare to imagine! This time I won't call you a cripple, and I will write Liu Qing's name upside down!" The author has something to say

: Don't abandon me, everyone. 55555 Fewer and fewer people are watching :(

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