Chapter 107

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With outsiders in front of him, Liu Yimian next to him was still a little cautious, and only picked up the side dishes in front of him. Seeing this, Ji Wei put a piece of roast duck on his plate, and said gently: "This tastes good, you should try it too."

Liu Yimian hummed, and tasted the roast duck gracefully. Even someone as picky as Ji Wei said it was good, Liu Yimian's eyes lit up even more when he ate, and even his eyes narrowed.

Lin Yaozu is a shrewd businessman, he has already seen it clearly from the sidelines. Knowing that Ji Wei cared about Liu Yimian, she kept telling him to eat more, and always asking him if he had enough and if he wanted to add something.

"Don't bother, Master Lin, I don't need anything." Liu Yimian was a little flattered, but she also knew that Lin Yaozu must have come to curry favor with Ji Weicai.

Ji Wei didn't speak, so he couldn't accept his love.

Although the two did not speak, they had a tacit understanding. Seeing that Lin Yaozu didn't even have a chance to see each other, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Seeing that the shop on North Street was about to open, not only Chen Mingsheng couldn't sit still, but he couldn't sit still either. That's why Lin Tai pulled Ji Weilai, and turned a dead horse into a living horse doctor.

"Ji Gongzi's new shop will open soon, I wish you a prosperous business in advance!" Lin Yaozu raised the wine glass that had just been filled.

Ji Wei also poured the wine, clinked glasses with him, and smiled politely: "Then I will borrow the good words from shopkeeper Lin." He drank the wine in the glass and turned the glass over to show that there was no wine in the glass.

Lin Yaozu rested his hand on the wine glass and rubbed it unconsciously. He was thinking about other things in his heart, and the table full of dishes was completely tasteless in his eyes, which formed a sharp contrast with the cheerful Lin Tai who was gobbling around him.

Ji Wei ate another piece of eight-treasure duck, and said leisurely: "Master Lin, if you have something to say, you can just say it, you and I can be considered acquaintances, what can't you say?"

Lin Yaozu smiled wryly, "Young master Ji is really sharp, I invite you to come out today, I really want to talk to you about something."

Ji Wei didn't say anything, just waiting for Lin Yaozu to write.

Lin Yaozu, who was sitting opposite him, was not sure about his attitude, hesitated for a moment, and then said straight to the point: "I, Lin Yaozu, don't seek wealth and wealth, but only hope to support my family. I have cooperated with Mr. Ji before, and I am very optimistic about Yong'an The prospect of the new shop in the street, I wonder if there is such an honor to cooperate with Mr. Ji again?"

Ji Wei sighed softly, obviously did not expect Lin Yaozu to say so straightforwardly, looked at him in surprise, and sighed: "It's just that I have already made an appointment with Mr. Zhang. I'm in charge of making dim sum, and he's in charge of selling it. If you really want it, you can only talk to him." "If

Mr. Ji is willing to show up, I think it will be much easier." Lin Yaozu With scorching eyes, Ji Wei's brows gradually twisted up.

It's not that he is unhappy, although the cooperation with Lin Yaozu was short-lived, it was indeed a pleasure. If given the chance, he wouldn't mind joining hands with him. But how will the old man pass that level?

Ji Wei didn't answer his words immediately, and Lin Yaozu didn't force him, but let go of his worries.

If Ji Weiyi refuses, then there is no room for change at this time. Now that he is still willing to think about it, it shows that there is still a glimmer of hope.

He knocked on Lin Tai's head and glared at him: "Don't patronize yourself, your friend is sitting next to you, shouldn't you take care of him?"

Lin Tai licked his shiny lower lip, and glanced at Liu Yimian Empty bowls and dishes, some hate iron and steel: "Look at you, don't you have a small body that runs away when the wind blows. I don't know how to eat meat on the table. Here is a duck leg, which is big and fragrant. Just eat it. And this old duck stew is very good, let's have a bowl of soup to relieve the tiredness..."

"Lin Tai, I'll do it myself, there's no need." Liu Yimian was a little embarrassed, and shoved Lin Tai shyly, who subconsciously glanced at Ji Wei next to him, and stopped, "Okay then, eat more , don't waste it."

"Brother Ji, you can also drink a bowl of soup." Liu Yimian filled a bowl of stewed golden and fragrant old duck soup, looking forward to it. Ji Wei didn't care, took it and drank it one mouthful at a time, his mind was spinning quickly, and he suddenly came up with an idea.

This method of breaking the situation still originated from the previous life.

Now that Ji Wei's simple assembly line has been established, it is not impossible to make western pastries in large quantities. It only needs a steady expansion of manpower to supply several towns.

One of his biggest difficulties is the insufficient supply of raw materials, and the other is that it is difficult to promote. The current situation is that both problems are solved by the Zhang family, but in fact, Ji Wei himself understands that this is just a temporary solution.

The Zhang family made their fortune in rice shops, and they were basically in the rice shops all over the towns. The bakery was only established for the sake of development after it had a foundation, and it couldn't even compete with the local big bakery in the town.

There are few shops, no reputation, few customers, and weak competitiveness. These are all problems that he faced before cooperating with Ji Wei. Take Daxi Town as an example, besides Chen Mingsheng, there are also small businessmen like Lin Tai, and the bakery business is not easy to do.

In this way, Ji Wei can use the Zhang family's foundation to sell West Point. However, the Zhang family's original foundation is so deep, and when it takes hold of the current market, it will appear limited and not enough to look at at all.

What's more, other opponents will never tolerate their power and will definitely suppress them. When the time comes, every step will be difficult and they will inevitably be passive.

It's better to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds, to draw the opponent to make a fortune together, mutual benefit and win-win is the best strategy.

Regarding this point, one has to think of the franchise chain stores that spread all over the country in the previous life.

Let them voluntarily adopt the operation method of Jiwei brand, and pay a certain amount of franchise fee, and he will provide relevant training and sell products uniformly, and he will take care of his own profits and losses at that time. If it works well, not only can Ji Wei avoid the time-consuming and labor-intensive task of opening a store, but also franchise stores can also make a profit, just like the cooperation between Lin Yaozu and Ji Wei before.

Of course, there are good and bad, and it is impossible to guarantee 100% success in doing business. If you can't make ends meet, Ji Wei doesn't have to be responsible, but instead charges a franchise fee, why not do it?

The more Ji Wei thinks about it, the more he feels that this plan is feasible, but it still needs to be discussed with Mr. Zhang. Therefore, I didn't go into details with Lin Yaozu, but revealed to him that there is still room for change.

"Master Ji can say that, it's already the best news." Lin Yaozu was overjoyed, he didn't have any hope at first, but he didn't expect the result to be unexpected.

But when he calmed down, he was still a little strange, and couldn't help but said: "Chen Mingsheng also approached Mr. Ji before, why did he reject him?"

Ji Wei remembered the situation when he first met Chen Mingsheng that day, and laughed, " First, the Chen family is the number one opponent of the Zhang family. Now that I am working with the Zhang family, how can I turn around and make friends with the Chen family? Second, I don't like this person."

If the first thought was very serious, Lin Yaozu When I heard the second reason with a strong subjective color, I couldn't help being stunned.

Lin Tai, who still had half of a duck leg in his mouth, said abruptly, "I don't like him either, he's very snobbish." Chen Mingsheng also came to Lin's house a few times because he heard that he was opening a bakery. It bored him quite a bit.

Lin Yaozu reprimanded in a low voice: "You are a scholar, so you know that juniors should not talk about elders? Don't be rude!"

Lin Tai didn't feel relieved, turned his face to the side and made a grimace, making Liu Yimian's face tense, but he didn't want Lin Yaozu to Seeing him, he lowered his head, his shoulders trembled, and he secretly smiled.

"Let's not mention these things for the time being. The new store on Yong'an Street will open in three days, and shopkeeper Lin must come to support the show." Ji Wei raised his glass and clinked glasses with Lin Yaozu, and the latter quickly agreed, promising to be there on time .

After talking about the things that Lin Yaozu was thinking about, Ji Wei asked him some more about the Chen family, and finally started to eat and drink happily after he had a preliminary idea in his mind.

Because Lin Yaozu kept persuading him to drink, Ji Wei also drank a lot. As the leader, Lin Yaozu drank a lot. When he came down from the stairs, his eyes were straight and his steps were floating.

Compared with him, Ji Wei is much more normal. Except that the blood in the cheeks is better, the face is more rosy, and the eyes are brighter, there is almost no difference.

After all, these wines are not as strong as the beer in the previous life, let alone white wine. He drank half of the jar in one gulp, reckoning that he was in the state of drinking a bottle of beer.

Apart from his bloated stomach, he was full of energy.

Seeing Lin Yaozu's body tilted and fell to the ground, Lin Tai quickly supported him, "Brother Liu, you two should go back first. I will send my father back so as not to disturb you two." Liu

Yimian Reddened by his words, he glared at him and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, go back quickly. Be careful on the road, don't fall." "I know."

Lin Tai waved his hand, and supported Lin Yaozu away with one hand Far.

When there were only the two of them left, Liu Yimian asked: "Brother Ji, is that aunt okay just now?" "

It must be something bad, the doctor said it was a stroke. This disease is incurable, so we can only keep it." Thinking of the bag of taels of silver, he joked, "I didn't expect that Daxi Town is so rich, and a random family in this alley would cost six or seven taels."

"Six seven two?" Liu Yimian was startled, he is from Daxi town, although he doesn't live here, but he still knows a little about the town. Don't talk about six or seven taels, even a family with six or seven taels of savings can be regarded as a middle-class family.

Anyone who can give this number casually is definitely not an ordinary person.

Liu Yimian turned a corner in her mind, and raised her eyes to look at Ji Wei, but seeing his insignificant appearance, she thought again: Brother Ji can naturally think of things he can think of, so why bother.

So I stopped talking.

He followed a few steps and quietly held Ji Wei's generous palm. Ji Wei noticed it, but didn't take it back. Instead, he clenched the boy's @soft palm with his backhand and squeezed it.

Liu Yimian lowered her head slightly, the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up.


"Are you all right?" Sun Hongfeng rushed into the room like a wind, sat on the edge of the bed and touched the old mother's forehead, seeing how she was sleeping peacefully after taking the medicine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Sun E away to the door.

"What's that man's name, did you ask?"

"Benefactor refused to tell."

"Then did you pay?"

"Yes, but he doesn't want it." Sun E shook her head, a little helplessly.

"This man has a warm heart, so it's a great pity that we can't make friends with him!" If it weren't for someone in the gang getting into trouble today, he would have to go to the scene to uphold justice in person, and it wouldn't be the case that his mother would be ill and unable to send him to the doctor in person.

That's why I am even more grateful to this well-meaning person who has no name.

Sun E frowned and thought for a moment, clapped her hands and said excitedly: "I remembered! The people who came with him urged him to go to the Fuxing Tower!"

"Fuxing Building? Isn't it just across the street? I'll go and see!" The old mother had already fallen asleep, and Sun Hong couldn't disturb her, and couldn't sit on the stool, so she rushed out like the wind.

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